

speedy meatmonger
Jun 9, 2002
Gothenburg, Sweden
Visit site
today be talk like a pirate day

Avast ye' daft son of a biscuit licker, tis time for ye' to walk yonder plank! This old scow not be fit for the likes of you!

uhhh... yeah. ill be going now. concert soon.
*ahem*...*hack* *cough* *hock*... *ehm ehm ehm...ahem* ahoy maties and land lubbers alike. i be thinkin' you had the right idea with whatas were atryin' to accomplish with yer site dere, and iffin i be makin' mies own nevermore page, i'll be tryin' to include a php-based posting system so dem users ken update dere infermation demselves. uh...yarrrrrrrrrrg. avast ye.
arrrrrr, dey's been ahidin' from dee phantim pirat o'er yonder. 'e goes by dee name o' Wahrell Dane. 'e's bee's a vicious cre-ature o' dee west. Ahoy, I see somethin's... prepare yeeselves for a magnificent journey... arrrrrrr