Yay, Kids in the U.S. are now fatter and less violent

:lol: :lol:

Yeah same here, I weigh just enough to not get blown away in a tornado.

Ahhwell, at least all the little fat kids doin the truffle shuffle will be happy.

That's a moronic study. Truth is, younger and younger kids are losing their virginty and engageing in violent crime. Murder is experiencing its highest increase among the demographic of kids age 10-12. I hardly think that fattening kids up into sedation is the answer, haha...although it is true that kids are waaaay fatter. Its because of computers and video games today, and especially because of irresponsible parents. I'm disgusted when I see these fat little kids running around everywhere, our country is getting fat, weak and naive! D:< Argh!
As long as no one sits on me, it's ok. :lol:

I just think it's sad how children seem to have no childhood anymore. I can't imagine being young in this time. Blech.
Same here, Lamia, its amazing how quickly things are degrading. I'm in my early twenties, and a decade ago, things were not anywhere near this messed up.
Yeah same for me, I'm 22...

Yeah, back in my day we had grunge... hrm. Ahhwell, I listened to 70s stuff, classic rock, NOT the crappy pop of that era...

Sometimes I think I was blessed to grow up then, all the overhyped poppy shit of now would kill me, either that or I'd be listening to the same stuff I'm listening to now which is good stuff.
mwhahahaha, they dont know of me...i am 160 and still a violent bastard!!!!!

ok, i am on here a lot, and when i go out with people i contain myself from hurting another soul....but if i listened to the voices in my head i would be a violent bastard.

point is, i aint fat.
Lamia The Great said:
Yeah same for me, I'm 22...

Yeah, back in my day we had grunge... hrm. Ahhwell, I listened to 70s stuff, classic rock, NOT the crappy pop of that era...

Sometimes I think I was blessed to grow up then, all the overhyped poppy shit of now would kill me, either that or I'd be listening to the same stuff I'm listening to now which is good stuff.

I think the problem is more related to the values (or lack thereof) in the public school system, lack of parental attention and guidance, and people spoiling these damn fat kids. Things have always 'been messed up' somewhere sometime, yes. But there is a huge disparity between the sexuality displayed by pre-teens, the lack of respect (or intelligence for that matter) and willingness to engage in dysfunctional behavior today than even ten years ago.
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Yeah, the way schools are now it's a big pain in the ass. There isn't enough money or resources available to do everything that needs to be done.
The kids who are teens and preteens now have been screwed up since they were little. I'm not sure why, but yeah, I agree about that. It's really sad. I'm honestly very happy I don't have to associate with them, which is probably selfish and mean, but too bad. I hafta deal with stupid people my own age and older enough that to deal with little kids makes me want to scream.
Wandrail said:
I think the problem is more related to the values (or lack thereof) in the public school system, lack of parental attention and guidance, and people spoiling these damn fat kids. Things have always 'been messed up' somewhere sometime, yes. But there is a huge disparity between the sexuality displayed by pre-teens, the lack of respect (or intelligence for that matter) and willingness to engage in dysfunctional behavior today than even ten years ago.

Yeah, there is. I'm 17, and grow up with fucks like these (hell, maybe I AM one), and it sickens me. And the big thing is that people are quick to blames others, especially those who can't defend themselves easily (the music, video game, and television industry).
Wandrail said:
Truth is, younger and younger kids are losing their virginty and engageing in violent crime. !

I thionk it worrying that sex and violence seem to be so frequently connected. Maybe that's just the US and UK, but the two seem to be given an equally low moral footing.

Now, I do find it quite disturbing that preteens are dressing like whores, but I think it's going to be generally a lot healthier for teenagers to go out and get laid than try to murder their friends.

I think if sex education wasn't quite so repressed, people would feel less guilty abuot these things and break this unholy ( :erk: ) connection.