

Jul 1, 2003
My new Skyfire cd came in yesterday! Im so happy!

I ordered three other cd's too. Bjorn Strid's other band (i forgot the damn name) Entwine - diEversity, and Charon - The Dying Daylights. The guy that i ordered from can get any cd you want. The only thing that sucks is that the place is in Rhode Island. Im just glad that its only about a half hour away.
Im gonna go pick them up probably next week.

Very cool, you won't be disappointed. By the way, is the other band Construcdead? I've heard of them and downloaded some songs but I havne't listened yet. I read that someone from Soilwork is in them, but I don't know who.

On a side note, I'm listening to Mind Revolution and I almost threw up trying to sing along with Henke in Uncloud the Sky, at the big long scream part. I can get a little more than half through the whole thing...
If its the Disarmonia Mundi CD, you have done a great thing. That CD fucking owns.

Never heard Entwine. Charon is pretty cool sometimes, havent heard to much.
This thread was about DM?! :( lol

But I'll have to agree, Fragments is Bjorn in top form, before he went for the Phil Anselmo half growl in FnF
Although I agree Bjorn is at his best in Fragments of D-Generation, I would personally like to see them use a different vocalist upon their next release.

People always call DM Soilwork rip-offs, and the addition of Strid on vocals doesnt help people from making these completely inaccurate claims. I say just let Ettore do the harsh vox, if he can them do them half as well as he can clean sing then we are in for a treat.
DM sound nothing at all like soilwork, even from their thrash days. Great electronic use and I think their more melodic in terms of guitar harmonies. DM does kinda lack their own idenity, their not doing anything incredibly ground breaking. But they do what they do very good IMO.
Final_Vision said:
DM sound nothing at all like soilwork, even from their thrash days. Great electronic use and I think their more melodic in terms of guitar harmonies. DM does kinda lack their own idenity, their not doing anything incredibly ground breaking. But they do what they do very good IMO.

Nebularium featured a more progressive band, their sound was unique, and perhaps stood out more as their own sound than Fragments does.