Yeah, Hi.


Doom as fvck
Jan 23, 2006
South England
I guess I'm new here, and to metal generally. I listen to a lot of music (except any form of pop, rap, country, rnb) but have just really got into metal recently probably from finding a liking for system of a down...and megadeth.......
Unfortunately for me, my friends don't particularly like metal and tell me to stop listening to crap music where there is often too much shouting and really wierd guys singing to crappy guitars. They would much rather listen to The Used and Linkin Park.
Show me to good metal, all types and flavours, and I will be happy :Spin:

I feel like such an unbelieveable newb.
I guess I'll just list a few guys I listen to..... music is bloody hard to find in my town. It's big enough, but doesn't have one good record store. I rely on downloads and haven't heard much yet.

Trivium, System Of A Down, Megadeth, Dragonforce (they make me my head hurt), children of bodom................there's more somewhere.....
I listen to all those bands too, I've gotten into more hardcore bands from this website
Ha - I thought I were a newb but seemly I'm not. I listen to: Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filfth, Children of Bodom, Immortal, Burzum, Gorgoroth, and all that stuff. In addition to that stuff like: Bethlehem, Emperor, Helcate enthroned, Marduk, Mayem, Mourn, My Shameful, Old Man Child, Sentenced, Silentium, Swallow the Sun and some Finnish and Norwegian bands no one of you has ever heard of. But then I have to say that "My dying bride" is the best doom metal band I know and if anyone bothers to say sth against them is invited to let me know that.