Yesterday I Saw A GOD

Tuska said:
i'm thinking of camping outside the apartmen with my tent and ask him to sign all my cob stuff i have ;)
I better mail him the book he wanted then...


Lil' Blooded Ridin' Hood said:
if you meet him say hi from the guys on this board :)

child_of_bodom666 said:
yeah...and give him my site look at it and sign the guestbook hahaha :lol:
slaesh said:
yeah and bring a couple of beers back and some guitarpicks will you? :)
NeedledWarheart said:
give him my phone number!
slaesh said:
yes, and tell him to send me an email describing how he became such a great guitarist
child_of_bodom666 said:
tell him that I could give him my sister during the night :lol:

LOL! TuskaFuckingExpress :Spin:
Tuska said:
i drove to my friends house with 2 of my other friends, to pick the guy up.. he was a bit late as usual, but that didnt bother me that mutch.
so.. we were standing in front of my friends house, and guess who walks by.. Non other than the great Alexander Kuoppala wearing proudly Children Of Bodom Hatebreeder LS and a plastic bag :)
the really funny part is that my friend ( who also listens to bodom) didn't even know that he has Kuoppala as a neighbour... if it was his apartment next door.. it might have been some of his friends or something.. non the less "Yesterday I Saw A GOD"! !:notworthy!:notworthy!:notworthy
!:kickass: !:rock:

Was it in Fucking Helsinki or in Fucking Espoo?
Aww c'mon ppl, he's just a normal guy ;) (okay, it would be nice to chat with him, but the 'god' term is a bit exxegarating :p)

But if you are so desperate why dont you ask that neighbour about him?
I see CoB boys and other so-called-rock-stars in local metal bars quite often so it's not so big deal -is it? :loco: Most of them are drunken, arrogant bastards.

Hehehe, not really. Just nice, ordinary guys who just play good music.