Yet another Metallica thread - cover art

Cool logo but that cover sucks so much ass its not funny, I could shit on a piece of cardboard and come up with something just as good! :)

But nevermind, ill buy it anyway! :D
Well it's not like Metallica are the band with the best cover artwork anyway... I wasn't that impressed at all but I'll reserve my final judgement of the album till I've listened to it.
I don't think it's great, but it's not that bad when you compare it to Black, Load and Reload. Except the fist is pointing the wrong way. It would be better if it pointed up.
I like the black album cover, has classic written all over it, very bold. Even if they did steal the idea from Spinal Tap.

St Anger is one of the crappest album covers I've ever seen though and the new logo sucks too.
Between this cover and all the talk about blastbeats, numetal, yelling, brutality and no solos im beginning to think Metallica is just taking the piss and its just all an elaborate joke... :)
What's with the 4 different colours anyway? I remember back when the Fuel single came out, there were like 3 different covers, if I remember correctly. And the diehard fans will rush out and buy all of them even though the stuff on the cd is the same. Is this another lame attempt to fuck people for an extra buck?
I bought all the Fuel singles cos the b-sides were from the Brisbane concert which I went to. Didn't end up listening to them though cos the songs didn't really sound very live at all, and I had trouble making my voice out from the crowd.
I was hoping they would have the old logo, but I'm not suprised at the new one, as they have said in every interview that they aren't taking a step back, they are taking another step forward, and the new logo looks new, but is a cross between their older logo and 90s logo. I do like it however, so I don't really care. :)

The album cover, while not brilliant, is not that bad, and I kind of like it. Simple can be effective (as the 'black' album proved), and I think it suits the mood of the album, if it sounds anything like reviewers have made it out to sound. Very angry fist clenching stuff, which they have tried to prtray in the art. And Phloggy is right, their last few album covers haven't been that great anyway. :)

As for the different covers thing, they are not the only ones who have done it. Korn, Michael Jackson, and a few others spring to mind. Who really gives a shit anyway, I will just buy the album, and if the music is good, then I will be happy. :)