Yet another mix


Music Producing Ginger
Jan 25, 2011
So I'm pumping out mixes like a meat factory. :lol: Just been so bored lately, now that school is towards it's end of the semester and I'm done with all that school work :kickass:

I can already tell there are some problems with this. Bass drops, for one, distort the mix badly. Going to tweak that, or possibly remove them. I find myself using them less and less now-a-days. The kick is also a concerning issue for me. It originally had lots low end punch to it, now it just sounds super clicky. Too much 3-4k push. The bass, as well, was annoying to mix. So some more detailed responses on how to possibly fix those would be great. Anything else you hear? MASTER.mp3

Also, to add, this is mastered just so you don't have to crank your monitors, but it tends to clip here and there. :mad:
Of course man. Haha. I just accidentally made them too loud. Other than that, I normally don't have problems with them.
Well if it works for you man, then do it. There really never is a wrong or right way. I just like to add them in the mix because it's easier for me to edit them in.