Yet Another Review (and a couple of Thank You's)


Feb 27, 2002
Withering Soul - I'm not really in to black metal, but these guys seemed competent enough at what they were doing. They probably weren't helped by the fact that they were the first band to go on, so I guess they were kind of the guinea pigs as far as the sound goes. I still think they did a great job kicking off the festival.

Gracepoint - I'm not exactly the biggest prog fan, but this band really impressed me. They're just complex enough to make it interesting, yet they keep enough hooks in there that even a simpleton such as myself can follow along :lol: . I’d definitely go see these guys again.

Agent Steel - I was not familiar with their music at all prior to this show, but I REALLY enjoyed their set. They're :headbang:

Biomechanical - I've got their disc; some of it I like, some of it I don't. They pretty much had everything covered for me after the first few songs, then the rest of the set seemed kind of repetitive. They were definitely high energy and gave it everything they had, though.

Eldritch - I've got their two most recent releases, both of which I like "okay", so I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought they came across EXTREMELY well live, and I really enjoyed their set from start to finish. Great way to close out a very good first night.

Mirror Black - after all these years of Raven giving me Mirror Black promotional materials at ProgPower, I was determined to go see these guys sometime :lol: , and I'm glad I finally got my chance! I was impressed with their set, and they got the evening off to a great start. You guys definitely did not disappoint.

Twelfth Gate - I just picked up their disc recently, so I wasn't overly familiar with it, but I had heard enough to feel like I could describe their sound to some of my friends who hadn't heard them at all...and I can definitely say they made me look like a total jackass :lol: . I had completely forgotten that they have a new singer, so this really wasn't the band I was expecting. It ended up being not what I really wanted to see, but I will give the singer credit for doing what he does extremely well. I think the guy's got a lot of potential as a front man, and I could see him doing a great job working a huge crowd like Ozzfest, or some other show that I'm simply too old to attend anymore :lol: .

Ion Vein - these guys completely blew me away! I tried to think up at least one disparaging remark just to fuck with them, but I honestly couldn't come up with any :lol: . They were actually my second favorite band of the festival, and I would love to see this band again. I'll definitely be looking forward to their next disc.

Nocturnal Rites - they were my main reason for attending, and they actually exceeded all expectations. Great songs, great sound, great performance...a perfect set, as far as I'm concerned. They're on my list of bands that I absolutely have to see again sometime.

Morgana Lefay - I have Grand Materia; I really like a couple of songs, and I kind of like a few others. While they don't really blow me away, they put on a good show, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to see them.

My only complaint from the weekend is that it is extremely challenging, logistically, for those of us who flew in to town. Trying to get a cab service to send someone out to South Holland was a MAJOR pain in the ass. Special thanks to Bob, Paul, Derek, and Jeff for driving my wife and me around at one point or guys RULE!!!!!!! If there actually is a cab company that services the area, if someone could perhaps post that information in the "Travel Details" section next year, that would be huge (nobody at the Hilton had any idea about cab companies, and the companies we called said they don't work the area).

Overall, it was an extremely enjoyable festival...the venue was actually pretty good, the show was organized and very well run...I think they did a great job, and I would definitely consider going back again.
Let's see:

Withering Soul - I missed their set so I don't know anything about them.

Gracepoint - Fairly impressive set, never heard of them going into the show, worth checking out.

Agent Steel - These guys were in fine form, great set. Bruce sounded great, musicianship top notch.

Biomechanical - Great set, great energy. Top notch set.

Eldritch - Awesome sound, great musicianship, great guys!!! Awesome setlist, thanks for a great performance!!!

Mirror Black - Missed their set

Twelfth Gate - Great performance, had not heard any of their material prior to show, but I will definitely purchase now.

Ion Vein - Kick Ass show!!! Awesome sound!! Enough said.

Nocturnal Rites - Sounded awesome, true to form.

Morgana Lefay - Awesome set, great sound and setlist.

My first trip to the powerfest and well worth it. All the bands were very appreciative of the fans with the exception of one, NR.

Many thanks to Terry, Eugene, Rob, John, and Dave of Eldritch, ot enough thanks can be given!!

James! It was an honor meeting you and Kathy; you are totally cool people!

vulpina said:
All the bands were very appreciative of the fans with the exception of one, NR.

really? the band with the biggest audience of the weekend? that's kind of a surprise... tell me more about this... Nils Eriksson seemed in a pretty good mood when I spoke with him on Saturday...
I am basing this on what I saw, there was a guy trying to get his CD covers signed and the only person who came out from the backstage area was Jonny, he did not seem to be in a very pleasant mood. I personally did not have any problems with them, I have talked to them before and gotten autographs. Just that particular night they did not seem to be in very good moods. All the other bands were just great with interacting with the fans. Eldritch was particularly great!!!

vulpina said:
My first trip to the powerfest and well worth it. All the bands were very appreciative of the fans with the exception of one, NR.


Hey, I just read this and had to register on the forum to let you know. We were in fact in a great mood all of us and I am sorry if it seemed any other way. The problem is that this venue was REALLY loud. You couldn't hide anywhere from the "noise" (depends on who you're asking, I guess ;) and after having played an hour and a half or so you are generally not in the mood for even more "noise". We hooked up with some people outside though and I walked through the venue a couple of times and met a few. We would have loved to stay inside the venue to chat some more, but I guess we didn't feel like screaming our lungs out and lsing even more of our hearing ;) haha...

We are in fact pretty nice guys and usually spend quite a bit of time hanging out with the people, that get out to our shows, signing stuff and what not.

However, we had a great time and will try and get back over to the states asap. Thanks!
James it was so good to see you and Kathy again!! I really hope to spend more time with you both at ProgPower! I regret that I only had a short amount of time to catch up with everyone.

Noctural Rites definately exceeded my expectations as well! A fantastic performance!! ... and their guitarists are hot :oops: I sure hope we get to see this band again soon!!!

NOC_Nils said:
We are in fact pretty nice guys and usually spend quite a bit of time hanging out with the people, that get out to our shows, signing stuff and what not.

Thank you for a great show and taking the time to mingle with the fans! I was surprised to see you walking amongst the crowd - I imagine you guys didn't have ANY energy left after such a high-paced performance! Come back soon!! :)

I am not bashing you guys as you are one of my favorite bands, I just based my comment on what I saw with one fan. Your performance was super and I already have my NR CD's signed, but to me it seemed like Jonny did not want to take time out to sign a CD for a guy standing close to me. I personally did not see you guys out in the crowd or I would have gotten you to stop for a picture or two. Hope you guys make it back over here, maybe Powerfest next year or your own tour. Sorry if my observation was off base.

booB said:
James! It was an honor meeting you and Kathy; you are totally cool people!

The pleasure was all ours; hope to see you in Atlanta in September!

sh0kr0k said:
James it was so good to see you and Kathy again!! I really hope to spend more time with you both at ProgPower! I regret that I only had a short amount of time to catch up with everyone.

It was great to see you, as well! Even though we were there for both nights, it really did fly by; we also didn't have as much time to catch up with everyone as we would have liked. At least we're only five months away from the next "reunion" :kickass:
First off, thanks to Rob, Chris, and all involved with making this happen. A friend of mine who seldom gets a chance to come out for shows, said this was his Prog Power, and both of us were quite happy with bands, and the venue (except for the $4 cans of beer) So, thank you! Great Job! and hopefully I'll be making this another annual pilgrammage.

NOC Nils said:
However, we had a great time and will try and get back over to the states asap. Thanks!

Please do! NR was the major draw for this, and after being a fan for a long time, it was great to see you guys play live!
