love em or hate em Yngwie is the fuckin man... I love him just for his character alone... you call him an asshole but i call him a hilariously entertaining asshole...
secondly... yngwie chooses to play the way he plays. he likes the sound... he doesnt "blow" because you dont like his style of playing. the best fuckin guitarists on the planet bow down to yngwie... there must be a sure if he wanted to sound like David Gilmour he could at least play something good in that vein, disregarding whether or not gilmour is better.
if you dont understand the coolness of yngwie go see spinal tap...there is a certain absurdity to rock n roll that is fucking top notch

all that being said...i wouldnt spend my money on him...rising force and G3 is all i need for that rare occasion i need to hear chromatic runs on the high e string at 2000 meters per second (for 15 minutes)