yo do you think you could go for a year without buying anything except food/medicine

it would definitely be worthwhile to experiment a regular consumption months vs. a healthy month with no superfluous expense, and see where it takes on a financial perspective.
it would definitely be worthwhile to experiment a regular consumption months vs. a healthy month with no superfluous expense, and see where it takes on a financial perspective.


it's mostly financial because i'd like to work less than i do currently and still be able to afford having a car, and i'm unsure as to how that could work out if i don't cut my spending pretty radically

but another thing is there's something within me that makes me feel a little bad every time i spend money on something that's not directly necessary + i spend a lot of time looking at and thinking about things to buy on the internet etc. and i'd like to see where i would be at mentally doing nothing of the sort
The mental confort thing is not so easily quantified as a couple extra euros (or kröna or whatever you use) in one's pocket, but I can see how I would raise it in the mid-term through deprivation of targeted items/activities/food types. :)
i'm so fuckin dependent on "mental comfort" to be able to function at all that while i may not be able to quantify it is far more important than the economic aspect
you must have such crappy libraries

in umeå (town of 100,000 residents) the library has almost literally any book you could ever think of

I lived in a tonw of 20,000, so... go figure. They had some good books, but I'd either read many of them myself, or borrowed the entire section in the course of a year and was done. The libary never really got anything new in, and going through a prehistoric microfiche system is painfully slow.

And otherwise... i don't find buying books to be a waste of money. I usually donate crappy books and the good ones I re-read once a year or 2. Ellestin can vouch for the speed with which I devour books.
I would like to *increase* my consumption to unbelievable levels. Can I still post here?
I did this from August 2008 until August 2009 when I was unemployed. I paid my bills and only bought food (on sale, from the local cheap store only). I vowed not to touch my savings when not working, and because of this insane frugal behavioUr, I didn't have to. Well, to buy my wife a new computer I sold a fancy fuzz pedal, and then toward the end bought a new bass, but I think I sold something to fund that as well. I, of course, returned to foolish financial ways as soon as I started working again.

My wife has lived like this for decades. She literally spends $0 on unnecessary shit. Even her "treat" things like music and books, she waits until she has a gift card. About 3 times a year she buys some new clothes/shoes which usually adds up to $200 annually (maybe). I don't know how she fucking does it, but I intend to relearn how I did this 6 years ago myself, because material possessions are fleeting, and happiness is one big lie anyhow.

Having a crisis of faith lately. Hence, I consult the archives of RC! :o
wow, i don't remember making this thread

i'm doing the lite version of this now without really intending to

i mean today i bought a 4-pack of rechargable AA batteries but...

i'm so tired of buying and surrounding myself with frivolous stuff. there's almost nothing i need or want, but i do need/want money for house etc. so i've started selling a bunch of the stuff i've been pointlessly hoarding for years, but most of it ain't worth anything so i'm throwing away lots too.

i'm putting ~$730 a month into a savings account and i don't even notice it. this is on a mediocre salary, too. don't buy stuff and this shit comes easy, i've found. (no shit!)

i'm even ALMOST entirely emotionally detached from my record collection at this point. it's all just stuff. but i do actually still find cd's superior to every other music listening technology so i keep them around.

my girlfriend had a decluttering thing during january where she got rid of upwards of 500 items (she counted.) barely makes a fucking dent. honestly. we aren't hoarders, we don't live to buy fancy shit, we are both quite conservative with this shit to begin with. but still: you throw away 500 distinct things and at the end of it you struggle to even remember five of them, and the house still looks pretty much the same. it's crazy. literally literally.

i hate stuff. fuck all the stuff.
I basically did this when I was in Afghey. I didn't buy anything except hygiene and actually not even food, let the government feed me. I was really fucking bored but I pocketed fat cash
Go buy a snorkel kit for your Jeep
:lol: Very handy in the desert! First and only time I've driven through a river: 1998.

Throwing away and/or donating stuff rules. I didn't learn how awesome that was until we bought the house, and I got rid of piles of absolutely useless crap that I had been collecting for a decade (or longer). Stuff is kind of ridiculous.

EDIT: My sister-in-law is awesome with eliminating useless crap from her life. She possesses very few things, has driven the same car for 15 years, they live in an apartment, etc. When I was helping her move one year their bed, their only fucking bed mind you, got stuck in the hallway during the shuffle. Her instinctive reaction the moment it jammed up? "Get rid of it!" She was serious. Could have left it to rot right there and had one less thing to worry about. I don't have the guts for something so punk rock!
what kind of a crazy bitch immediately wants to abandon a comfortable place to sleep in

also why the fuck would they have more than one bed? unless they have kids and this is some sort of weird communal bed bullshit going on
what kind of a crazy bitch immediately wants to abandon a comfortable place to sleep in

also why the fuck would they have more than one bed? unless they have kids and this is some sort of weird communal bed bullshit going on

i live with my girlfriend (so thats 2 persons) and we have a total of six beds i think

its good for when friends are over
This is why you still have too many things, friend. Your friends comfort is clearly inconsequential when weighted against personal mental clarity.
That's very deep. I bet if I added up all of the individual "things" in this house, it would be 3000+, who the fuck knows??

Pretty crazy