Yo guys, started a music theory blog.


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
True story.

Mostly gonna be advanced stuff once I get the groove going, for now I thought I'd gauge people with the simple and more universally interesting stuff :D


^^^CLICK IT^^^

Tell me of any errors/typos if you spot any too please.

p.s. You're probably fucked unless you can read music :lol:

edit: you can click on the pictures to make them bigger (obvious, although not to everyone )
Pretty nice, I love music theory, I wish I learnt it some way or another, I know my stuff and can handle decent complicated structures and harmonies, but I wish I knew the deep theory. Even if for the moment it's basic, I like the idea of such a blog.
Question: Can you improve your handwriting? :D jk, a bit hard to read, still good information!