Yo Hippie


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
You see the lineup for PPUSA? Just curious if you were going? I am sponsering Freak Kitchen :loco::loco::loco: Ever hear that Freak IA on the geetar?!?!?!

Shit dude...! Watch out for that garbage can...awwwww...too bad, you bit it...
Dang man, why is it when we see each other we're always totally drunk...well nevermind, I don't need to finish this question. It's an answer all in itself...!
Hey, ProgPower has basically sucked since that 2001 one I went to. Ok, maybe it hasn't sucked, but I haven't liked the line up to get myself to fly out to Georgia for it since the one where Symphony X, Spiral Architect, Superior...shit man, forget it...they'll never top that one.
But dude, let me know about the south bay scene. That's not too far to drive out to for me.
And you should come up to the Sadus show in Concord first week of April. Or not. But you should. I'll buy you a drink. Or five.
Ok, bye.
I totally fucking bit it, man....:loco:

LOL. Damn where you guys playing in Concord? If that is the week of the 7th, I am in Chicago for Powerfest, Morgan Lefay, Noctunal Rites, Bio-Mechanical. Agent Steel, Eldritch and more, its going to kick ass.... I definitely want to see you guys ripp everyones heads off soon!!!The new clips sound killer!!!!

Yeah drunk is a good way to be LOL I'll let you know if any shows are down here, but not to much in San Ho lately, more up in the city...

I love PPUSA, I am a mainstay there. This year Nevermore ( it'll be good to see Steve again) and Evergrey are headlining, its kick ass!! Mercenary, Freak Kitchen, Pyramaze , Thunderstone. The pre party is going to be killer to , Circus Maximus, Circle to Circle and Leatherwolf!!

ok hockey time!!! laterzzzzzzzzz

Don't forget Theocracy for preparty also.