Yo JayKeeley! Are you familiar with Trivium?

Seeing them as an opening act has been my only exposure to Trivium. From what I saw, the drummer is the only good thing about the band. Their music isn't bad, it's just not all that good. The guitar player was as sloppy as any guitar player I've ever seen live. The singer does this thing where he squats down and stares upward when he sings. Given that he's about three foot to begin with, we couldn't help cracking up everytime he did so. Musically, they're paint by numbers:

Harsh vocal verse
Clean chorus
Harsh vocal verse
Clean chorus
Mosh riff
Lame solo
Clean Chorus

If you heard 1 metalcore band, you've heard em all. This particular one is just as annoying as all the others. The harsh vocals are terrifying. (And not in a good way)
JayKeeley! Did you listen to the samples yet? I need an opinion from somebody with old school stubornness.

Here's the story. These guys signed with Lifeforce records in 2003. The singer was 17 and the rest of the band was no older than 19 or 20. As they are now, only one or two of the band members can buy beer in America. They are clearly influenced by Metallica and that sort, but they also possess plenty of modern stylings (most notably the occassional hardcore vocals).
Oh . . . I forgot to mention they recently signed with Roadrunner, which will release their latest CD.

I don't love or hate them. I'm just interested in all the hype that has been quickly building around them.
I thought these guys were ok on their debut. Some decent ideas. But ive heard a few new tracks, and sounds like all the other bands out there, unfortunately. I will have to give the new one more time.

check out my review on RC though...

Evil C.
that first song starts of good with solid riffing ... but as soon as the singer opens his mouth ... forget it.

stop and go riffs, that horrible fucking shouting style ... ugh.

this pic is as poser as you can get ... Metallica, G'n R, Dark Throne and Overkill shirts .... but none of them come across in the music.

An old schooler has spoken ... :loco:
