You Can Now Play Skyrim as Amon Amarth

Jul 16, 2007
Ballarat, Australia.

Well this is pretty great.

Someone has made a mod so that you can now play Skyrim as Amon Amarth — the band who, surely, are most appropriate for the fantasy/action RPG.


You can find the band’s members “all hanging out at the back of Jorrvaskr,” which is a mead hall that is also the headquarters for a group of mercenaries known as “The Companions.” Which, I’d like to think, probably is where the dudes from Amon Amarth would hang out if the world of Skyrim was real.

Go here to download the mod and get additional details.

My brother loves this game. I am yet to play it. They all look too similar, not worth the effort in my opinion.
Even though I enjoy Skyrim, that mod makes me laugh.

They DO look a bit too similar in facial appearance, plus Johan Hegg needs more beard.
I love Skyrim. The fact that someone thought to do this is funny. I play on PS3 though, so i wouldnt be able to use it...