^5 to Tyra, didn't know you wrote that song. Well done!!
How many other songs have you written?
I didn't write "the song" per se, I just wrote the words in an e-mail to my brother - that's all I will to take credit for... The band took the words and, as they say, ran with it. I haven't written any other songs for them, I just wrote that one angry rant. It only becomes a song when words are put in the hands of capable musicians who can put riffs and drums etc to the words, and aproducer who can tie it all together. I'm just a "poet and didn't know it" type of people.
And I do know how Sweden was converted. It's my job, litterally, to know these things. Some were converted because they wanted to convert, they found something better than what they had, I guess. Most converted because they were told to by the chieftains and, eventually, kings. That's not to say they had any choice, even if they were not told they'd suffer severe consequences if they didn't. And then some, were told to convert or be tortured like Jarl Haakon, or just to convert or die.
However, when I wrote the rant in question, it was aimed at a certain group of people, i.e. those that needed reminding what their people had done to mine, that they had smashed our holy places and raped out culture. That also did happen.
money at the time of conversion in the Swedish Viking Age is an anacronysm. They did not have such a thing until the first Christian king decided they needed to mint coins in order to align themselves with the Christian kingdoms on the continent. Until then, the silver-by-weight economy had served them well, and it continued to do so for several centuries after conversion in amny areas. I understand the gist, though, but I would say it was
greed that brought on converion of the kings, and shit runs downhill, so therefor the little people were converted, too.
No church burning, please. One is supposed to honour one's ancestors, even if they are Christians. Like I said, many didn't have any choice, and many didn't know that there really was anything else. It's difficult to be anything else but Christian when you are told that even thinking about "anything not Christian" will cause you to burn in Hell. I know, I have friends who are Moslems. They're not even allowed to think the thought, and that is not all that different from how it was in many parts of Europe say 500 years ago. But if you are a white person of European descent, Ican honestly say that if it weren't for those witch-burning, temple smashing Christians, you (yes, YOU) would not be here today. So be nice.
End of sermon.