you guys badminton was totally awesome


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
i played for the first time in about 7 years last week, it was suppossed to be like beginners night but I was definitly the only beginner there.

I got my ass kicked a few times and played for about 2 hours. my right buttcheek feels like someone punched it repeatedly with a fistfull of quarters.

ps badminton is the fastest-paced racket sport. no lie.
i used to LOVE this game in high school. seriously. i used to partner with this kid darnell in gym class and we'd smoke people.
there is nothing nerdy or gay about this intense sport.

I got my ass handed to me, but now that I'm doing military presses 'n shit I will soon be in top form again. now I just need a racket worthy of my skillzzz.
I took a badminton CLASS in college and fucking smoked the majority of the class. This was the only class I would get out of bed before noon for, of course after several huge bong hits.