The first of the awesome gigs...


Haha Fuck You
Jul 5, 2002
Adelaide, Australia
Anthrax/Soilwork/KSE/Embodiment 12:14 in Adelaide.

Fuck yeah.

Including the line up, 6 hours of standing up. I am tired.

Anthrax accidently had their gear sent to Bali and the gig was halted while people had already lined up, so a bunch of Adelaide bands lent them guitars and amps and all that.

Ok so Embodiment no one cares about, onto the good ones.

KSE were good. The very feminine black man as the vocalist is awesome, much better live than I though, considering he sounded like a constipated dog on that demo that was re-recorded. They did demand your attention, lots of chanting and singalongs. The short hair guitarist is a crazy fucker and likes to fall over and profess his love to us. Sound problems occured every now and again, the odd bit of feedback, but overall they had it good...

But not Soilwork. Fucking shit. Absolutely SHIT sound to the max times 1,000,000. They did it last time and they did it again, turn everything up so you can't hear anything except hiss. That and the sound tech guys were really shit cause everything kept fucking up and crackling.

But they were good, same setlist as last tour I think, just rearranged, Speed was much more on the money and their new drummer is awesome.



They were damn good. Something about seeing a bunch of bald jews and italians play some thrash metal makes my dingle tingle.

Not in order...

What Doesn't Die
Got The Time
Caught In A Mosh
Safe Home
Efinkufsin (N.F.L.)
Metal Thrashing Mad
ROSIE (Whole Lot Of)

That's what I remember but I was tired so who knows...

During Caught In A Mosh some guy in the crowd punched someone, which led to John Bush jumping in and abusing the guy to his face, and Scott Ian abusing him from the stage. Awesome. They got him kicked out and then continued the song.

They are a really awesome band live, energy just flys off them and Bush is an awesome vocalist.

Vera was good too, he looked different to what I remembered.

Obviously everyone has a ticket, which is good, A DAMN GOOD GIG.
--> Wenda crawls out of bed and groans

Fuck, that's the first time I've slept in til 3pm for quite some time. :grin: Haha that was great!

cyclonus said:
KSE were good. The very feminine black man as the vocalist is awesome, much better live than I though, considering he sounded like a constipated dog on that demo that was re-recorded. They did demand your attention, lots of chanting and singalongs. The short hair guitarist is a crazy fucker and likes to fall over and profess his love to us.

Hehehe yeah, he was a bit of a nutter :p Did he congratulate you for coming out to see a bunch of fat American retards like themselves? :p He's a tall bastard too, their roadie couldn't reach his mike to do the soundcheck :grin:

But not Soilwork. Fucking shit. Absolutely SHIT sound to the max times 1,000,000. They did it last time and they did it again, turn everything up so you can't hear anything except hiss. That and the sound tech guys were really shit cause everything kept fucking up and crackling.

We didn't have it that bad - we didn't get the hissing and crackling, but the mix was pretty awful. For a lot of it, the rhythm section really overpowered the melody lines from the keyboards and solo guitars, and the clean vocals were utterly drowned (his growling came through ok though...) :erk: This had the effect of rendering many of the songs unrecognisable until halfway through. The stuff from NBC I got into, because I know it well enough to recognise it from the rhythm and intros, but with the other stuff it tended to take me a little while before I realised what I was hearing.

(Anthrax) were damn good. Something about seeing a bunch of bald jews and italians play some thrash metal makes my dingle tingle. <snip> They are a really awesome band live, energy just flys off them and Bush is an awesome vocalist.

:rock: :rock: Fuck yeah! I'm so glad I went to this. Before they announced this tour I didn't own any of their stuff and I'd only heard songs here and there, so while I liked them, I couldn't have been called a fan. However, being such a large name, I knew I'd have to grab the opportunity to see them while they were here, so being a good little girl I did my homework and now own a fair portion of their discography :grin:

The show was fantastic! They have so much energy - Bush and Ian have awesome stage presence. Watch out for Benate as well, he was spot-on awesome and did some soloing partway through the night. RESPECT :notworthy :notworthy

I had the best spot too :grin: For the first three sets me and Southy had a perch on the second stairwell, and discovered that we could look straight through the slatted stairs and have an unimpeded view of the stage. That was fine until some fuckers crowded in before 'Thrax and sat right over my viewing hole, so rather than let Southy beat them up for me, we shifted right and I found a better spot; I had to sit so I could see properly around the stairs, but once I did that - wow, what a view! I was sitting just behind the second-floor railing with my feet over the edge, and the railing bars were wide enough for me to stick my head through so I could headbang unimpeded :grin: I'll have to remember that perch for next time, it was a sweet little spot.

Sydo said:
I hope they play a few more from the new album.

Well, for us the setlist was much the same as quoted above, so they probably won't. I wouldn't have minded hearing a bit more of it too (bit more familiar with it as I picked up WFCYA first), but I can't deny that the older stuff was rockin too :rock: Awesome!