You guys OK???


Rotten undead buccaneer
Shit, I've been watching the news for the past two hours, and this whole deal with the plane crashes is completely horrifying (to say the least; words can't even describe it). Anyway, I started thinking of all the peeps I know in the U.S. (via internet), and I just wanted to make sure you guys are ok... So please, say you are! I wish you the best, and despite the fact that I'm not a very religious man, I will pray for all of you over there.

I'm still here. I guess i would be the closest to area of affect ...being only 30 minutes or so from the Pentagon. MM i s in Florida...7th in the midwest...Jim is in Boston....wait..EC is from PA right? Shit..I seriously hope he was not affected by the plane going down out there.
:eek: Wow, I thought they showed a "disaster movie" straight out of Hollywood when thoose towers came down. This must be the most vicious attack since the last world war! My thoughts goes out to you guys here at the board who lives in the USA.
I watched the video this morning when the second tower went down. That's probably the worst thing I've ever watched.
I'm on the west coast where most of those flights were apparently headed. I'm ok and my family is ok.
I hope that everyone here is ok and their families etc..are safe.
Thank you guys for your concern.

Everyone here is safe, but far from feeling ok. We're all sick with greif and anger as I'm sure all Americans and all decent people everywhere are. I am very, very glad that you are all ok, too. Especially you Rabs, because I also thought about the fact that you live very close to D.C. We are very worried right now because Holly's cousin is a pilot for United Airlines, and frequently flies out of Boston.

God help us all.....

P.S. I work just south of Pittsburgh and we heard a plane go over about 20 minutes before they announced the crash here. It's hard to be sure, but it looks like from the flight path that it was most likely the very same plane. Thank God it went down in a very sparsely populated area.
WOW FARKIN WOW.... its a sad sad day for democracy my friends.....

Hope everyone is ok...... seems the whole world is ready to back the U.S on this one.....

Thoughts go out to all u guys....

Thoughts go out to for tragic cost of lives....
Its great to see you guys are all safe and well. Ive been thinking about all of you today. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you guys. Every Australian is in disbelief that this has happened. We all feel for you.

I hope none of your family and friends aren't caught up in this mess.

Thanks for the concern my friends....

I'm actually from CT, about 2 hrs from NYC. MY wife and brother were actually in the city. My wife was on her way to a meeting and got turned back about 20 minutes out of downtown...

My brother was right there. He had just got off the train about 1/2 mile from the towers. He looked up and saw one of them burning and noticed that no one on the street had even noticed yet. He told the cops and they took off running... He was amid the stampeed of bleeding people running from the collapse, and finally got back out of the city and home safe...

I can't tell you how freaky it was to have 2 family members in the city at the same time, let alone on that particular day. We might get to the city once every 5-6 years or so...

Someone up there was looking out for them...

I was barely touched by this. Can you imagine the families of the thousands of people killed? All I can say is that if you ever get the chance to help out someone effected.... take it.

Things are so confusing here in the US that about the only thing you can do right now is donate blood, food, and blankets...

But rest assured, someone is going to get FU*KED UP for this.