I wrote a book! Buy it!
It wasn't really an activist for a day type thing. All of the people who got mad about the arbitrary rules regarding homosexuality are people who've always been adamantly against homophobia, there's just never been a reason to be so vocal about it. Now, I see where you're coming from as well Deron, and I also understand that what it really comes down to is that it's your site so what you say goes. Of course none of this would've happened had no one ever goofed around with the Billy Milano forum (who are big fucking sissies for as tough and impossible-to-offend as they claim to be
), but the way the matter was handled certainly exacerbated things. I maintain that Okcham's banning based on his signature was ridiculous and unfair, and the comments made about the posting of homosexual stuff being ban-worthy are discrimination any way you look at it. Unless posting stuff of ANY sexual nature isn't allowed, disallowing specific sexual (of course barring illegal and damaging stuff, ie pedophila, etc.) stuff is discrimination. This pissed off a number of people, myself included. Personally, I don't care what bands stay at UM or leave, I have no intention of trying to get any to move, but there is something that's not quite right going on here. If anything, specific board moderators should decide what content they'd like on their boards as opposed to a site-wide ban of anything homosexual in nature with no reason besides the fact that this is "a metal community." There are certainly numerous boards here that while they were made for metal bands, they definitely have plenty of non-metal related stuff being posted.