you have to read this


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
its just fucking funny man. its proper shocking/pathetic/scary at first then its like hilarious/pathetic/hilarious.
god there are actually people out there who say things like this. i dont know why but i cant help but laugh....'I served man, i served for my country...' ah fuck hahaha, just read it all man, they are one shower of dismal bastards...... they call one another jar head hahahahahahhaha. cracked me up that.
funny: just study their reasoning and how they put their arguments forward, its too fucking funny honestly. 'listen jarhead..' 'get a fucken education and grab a fucken clue' 'religion is for the weak....booze ex and drugs is my crutch nigga.' it must be so awful to be these people they really are dim witted creatures, i feel so sorry for them and yet i cant stop laughing at them...i might read this forum in future to cheer myself up.....'jarhead' < god that gets me.

shocking: im willing to accept anyones opinion so long as they provide sound grounds to support - these people clearly dont. what 'chickenshits' eh?!

i bet insest has alot to do with it you know. no offense to the half decent americans, you are few and far between, but we've all heard of those insest ridden trailor trash types. biggest daily high: finding a ring pull under the table
biggest yearly high: finding a pair of socks that match
life achievement: serving for their country and shooting up some shit

im so glad im me sometimes.
well, things like that can really make me MAD! i don't think it's funny at all.
you don't really need a history degree to know what an opinion like that can lead too, do you?
:lol: There's a lot of places here where hicks and inbreds live. I live in a small city, but the surrounding small towns have a lot of hillbillies and trailer trash. Supposedly the KKK even exists in my state (I'm from the North, so that's confusing). Seeing a post like that doesn't surprise me unfortunately. The funniest was when the one guy told another to get an education...
true it isnt funny i know - but you must understand my sense of humour by now, im not a bad guy i can see a sort of humour in everything. tis the ability to think your above the whole world and so none of it matters lol
Btw, that was all nice and clevah you said there but reason is not the aim :lol:

Once I typed a conference material about 9/11 and one of the speakers said when he met his neighbour after the attack she was crying and saying "why do they do this to us when we are so good to people, America is so good to people". So what do you expect?

Anyhow, sometimes when I read such stuff I can't take it seriously, I always have this in mind "it's a joke". And then it turns out it's not. But I'm still suspicious. Though that reasoning Buzzard forwarded why hate England, that was too clever.
Dhatura said:
Though that reasoning Buzzard forwarded why hate England, that was too clever.
Yeah well somehow it is, but I think you can easily come up with such arguments for every country.
I thought the food comment was funny, Americans have the most disgusting food around :ill:
hey but isn't that forum saying that they are politically incorrect?
i mean
it's just a forum to be politically incorrect at, right?
i dunno that billy what's his name, anyone does?