Originally posted by Stun
Anyway, ALWAYS remember this one thing when you "know" what happened on <insert date here>: the winners write the history books.
EDIT: Anybody who thinks the US is a benevolent state, upholding law and opposing corruption, etc; all that stuff... is a fucking idiot. Period.
EDIT numero deux: The US is the Rome of today (and will someday crumble, just as Rome did), steadily self-corrupting... because when there is only one superpower, ppl in charge start to get the idea that they are the greatest nation ever, that their rules are the best rules - the tr00 rules - and eventutally, that everybody should be under this one "great" nation. The dread force of patriotism has reared it's ugly head (thanks to almost 3000 shredded and bruned corpses) and the US's "illustrious" leaders aren't going to let this oppurtunity get away from them. Am I ever glad that religion is seperate from state! That would be a disaster...