Evil Inside
ledmag said:ANd once again i must say, you took the turd thing way out of context.....which tells me, that it would be uselss to even get into a flame with you. NEarly every thing you say barely has validity to it. ANd riddles seem to confuse you. You know ANALOGIES...
POst what you want, i noot telling you stop, im just bringing the pond scum up from the bottom so you can see it.
--I can see clearly now the rain is gone.
--Your right in a sense that I did try to prove something, but "that" is not what I was saying I was trying to prove. I did try pushing anything do any ones throat. I believe what I believe, for whatever reason I feel. I only remember telling the brazilin fuck you (not that I have never said it to any one else here, but I just do not remember) and I had reason.
since bashing the crew here is just about all youve done. One thing must be said, your not picky, you just gettem all dont ya....very thourough of you.
--I have only attacked those who attacked my, sorry if they are part of your crew. Those of which only youre allowed to bash, btw that is all you do. What the fuck did I steal your thunder man. I am sorry, I will let you give every one shit then I will sit there smiling what a good job you did. Yeah, I see that happening
--The turd joke, dude I was right on track, you are the one who cannot get shit straight (install joke here). If I was "trying really hard to get shit started, I would be "ready to bust an O-ring". Do you get the "ANALOGIES" now?
go to the flame trhead i made for the 3rd world idiots, youll see i agree with you on the wasting of time and money from the UN slow pokes,,,once again, pay attention if you will.
--I never said you disagreed with me. I knew you agreed with me!!!!! That is why I find it fucked up that you are arguing with me in the first place.
Just like you PM'ing Tee, and then letting your wife accuse Tee of mailing YOU. You did it first, you were out of line on that....and the out of line practice is still going for ya.....
--OK, now I get why you are attacking me. Sure, why did I not see this before? Look, my wife knows what happen so. Blah Blah Blah.
--Sorry, but at one point, I thought highly of you, and was rather offended when reading you reply to me for insulting them, again, after they repeatedly insulted me. That is all, I'll still post what I want to