You have to see this to believe it!!!!! A Must Read


Cessation Of Life
Mar 28, 2002
Provided by Joe Galloway, author of "We Were Soldiers Once, and Young" and is posted as an item of possible interest. Sig, the author, was a teen-aged Marine who marched and fought as a rifleman to and from the Chosin reservoir in Korea in 1950. He switched to the Army, and served as a Special Forces officer in Vietnam. After Vietnam he joined the CIA, and went back to Korea.

Is there anyone else out there who's sick and tired of all the polls being taken in foreign countries as to whether or not they "like" us? The last time I looked, the word "like" had nothing to do with foreign policy. I prefer 'respect' or 'fear'. They worked for Rome, which civilized and kept the peace in the known world a hell of a lot longer than our puny two centuries-plus.

I see a left-wing German got elected to office recently by campaigning against the foreign policy of the United States. Yeah, that's what I want, to be lectured about war and being a "good neighbor" by a German. Their head honcho said they wouldn't take part in a war against Iraq. Kind of nice, to see them taking a pass on a war once in while. Perhaps we needed to have the word "World" in front of War. I think it's time to bring our boys home from Germany. Outside of the money we'd save, we'd make the Germans "like" us a lot more, after they started paying the bills for their own defense.

Last time I checked, France isn't too fond of us either. They sort of liked us back on June 6th, 1944, though, didn't they? If you don't think so, see how nicely they take care of the enormous American cemeteries up above the Normandy beaches. For those of you who've studied history, we also have a few cemeteries in places like Belleau Woods and Chateau Thierry also. For those of you who haven't studied it, that was from World War One, the first time Europe screwed up and we bailed out the French.

That's where the US Marines got the title 'Devil Dogs' or, if you still care about what the Germans think, "Teufelhunde". I hope I spelled that right; sure wouldn't want to offend anyone, least of all a German.

Come to think of it, when Europe couldn't take care of their Bosnian problem recently, guess who had to help out there also. Last time I checked, our kids are still there. I sort of remember they said they would be out in a year. Gee, how time flies when you're having fun.

Now we hear that the South Koreans aren't too happy with us either. They "liked" us a lot better, of course, in June, 1950. It took more than 50,000 Americans killed in Korea to help give them the lifestyle they currently enjoy, but then who's counting? I think it's also time to bring the boys home from there. There are about 37,000 young Americans on the DMZ
separating the South Koreans from their "brothers" up North. Maybe if we leave, they can begin to participate in the "good life" that North Korea currently enjoys. Uh huh. Sure.

I also understand that a good portion of the Arab/Moslem world now doesn't "like" us either. Did anyone ever sit down and determine what we would have to do to get them to like us? Ask them what they would like us to do. Die?.
Commit ritual suicide? Bend over? Maybe we should follow the advice of our dimwitted, dullest knife in the drawer, Senator Patty Murray, and build more roads, hospitals, day care centers, and orphanages like Osama bin Laden does. What with all the orphans Osama has created, the least he can do is build some places to put them. Senator Stupid says if we would only "emulate" Osama, the Arab world would love us.

Sorry Patty; in addition to the fact that we already do all of those things around the world and have been doing them for over sixty years, I don't take public transportation, and I certainly wouldn't take it with a bomb strapped to the guy next to me.

We were nice to the North Koreans in 1994, as we followed the policies of Neville Clinton. And it seemed to work; they didn't re-start nuclear weapons program for a whole year or so. In the meantime, we fed them when they were starving, and put oil in their stoves when they were freezing.

In a recent visit to Norway, I engaged in a really fun debate with my cousin's son, a student at a Norwegian University. I was lectured to by this thankless squirt about the American "Empire", and scolded about dropping the atomic bomb on the Japanese. I reminded him that empires usually keep the stuff they take; we don't, and back in 1945 most Norwegians thought dropping ANY kind of bomb on Germany or Japan was a good idea. I also reminded him that my uncle, his grandfather, and others in our family spent a significant time in Sachsenhausen concentration camp, courtesy of the Germans, and they didn't all survive. I further reminded him that if it wasn't for the "American Empire" he would probably be speaking German or Russian. end
AC103 BOMBERS This is (night time) video from one of our C-130A gunships wiping out a nest of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Allah Akbar, eh? Sobering, to say the least! [5.7 megs]
Rome fell there darling. They fell because of internal termoil and they didn't have much peace at all with all the rebels and uprisings they had. It's very difficult to govern a large territory like that.
And no body likes us, or ever did. They all have there reasons and I don't blame them. Who cares what they think anyways?

And for those who study history we knew that the japs were gonna bomb Pearl Harbor and too bad we dropped both bombs AFTER they had already thrown in the flag. And by the way, we approved of Germany's doings in WWII and did they same thing here with the Japanese. And with the Native Americans. Oh, and the I missing anyone??
Originally posted by LIZ METAL
Who cares what they think anyways?

IMHO, it's always better to know what your enemy is thinking at all times. Look, I'm all for bombing any nation that kills our fellow Americans. I guess what I'm trying to say is this, if someone killed a member of my family, I just couldn't do what that idiot did on national television by forgiving the blacks that beat his ass up by pulling him outta his truck and almost killing him during the LA Riots. Someone had to have paid him to say that in order to put an end to more inevitable rioting and looting. God is very evil too in my opinion. In the first Testament he killed thousands. Oh, and here is my favorite..........."An Eye For An Eye." Not all is justified, but I have just finished reading that Sodom H. has instructed well, here is a quote from CNN..."We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons, the very weapons the dictaster tells the world he does not have," Bush said.

Liz, I'm not raggin on ya, but what if this crap landed in your town? What would you do and how would you handle it? Just curious because I do value your opinion.

And for those who study history we knew that the japs were gonna bomb Pearl Harbor and too bad we dropped both bombs AFTER they had already thrown in the flag.


Oh, and the I missing anyone??

The blacks were freed from slavery and given the greatest names in history ie, Washington, Johnson, Kennedy, etc.
We did not know Japan was going after us in WW2. We were trying to stay out of the war altogether. Japan joined with Germany and got this idea to sneak attack the US, which BROUGHT us into war with Japan.
Great post to read stuff like that. This is a guy who really lived it and knows what he's talking about.

It's pretty sick how those countries hate us until they need us..then they change their tune...that is until their asses are completely bailed out by us...then they promptly hate us again..whatever...jackasses!
Originally posted by LIZ METAL
How am I wrong?

Well, after reading your posts about just being sarcastic, I have drawn the conclusion that I Could possibly be wrong myself. I said Wrong because the media only shows you what they want to show ya. I'm sure that there were plenty behind the scene goings on that we didn't even hear about.

IMHO....besides and Eye For An Eye, I stand behind REVENGE is the best policy and that, for the most part is what keeps hurt people satisfied. I don't agree with Revenge all the time, but there are definately times and places where it is acceptable. Thank god that there are no born-agains in here preaching to me right now. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by MindInsane
Great post to read stuff like that. It's pretty sick how those countries hate us until they need us..then they change their tune...that is until their asses are completely bailed out by us...then they promptly hate us again..whatever...jackasses!

Used and abused. When are they ever gonna get it? Policy's smolicy's. You are so right about bailing their asses out. I believe the term "TURNCOAT" applies? So, some say that they "Need" us. Look at the Mexican Mafia. The druglords down there........Clinton shaking hands with that goddamned two-faced hypocrite. How about all those stationed men in the countries that we fought? Oh yeah, kill Sodom (I love calling him that) and put a democrat in power there? Not hardly. And to killing innocent people during the Gulf War? Remember all those refugees that fled to Crete? Who fed their asses? We even dropped food. There was on post by Speed saying in a very kind way that I was being hypocritical, but I don't understand the reasoning behind that comment. I only stated facts that were and are issues to me.

Hell, we have all those prisoners of war in Cuba since 9/11. We could have executed them but we chose not too. I guess starvation is a good alternative lol. No, I'm not insensitive. And if anyone in here thinks that they were not involved with AQ, they must be smokin some really good hooch! They are all traitors. They say what they want so that they may be spared their lives.

And the sheep follow.............................

Thanks for your complimetn Opeth. (Love them too)
we didn't go to war to save any one's asses.

WWI we entered when the Lousitania(sp?) was sunk by a German U-Boat (submarine). The Germans thought it was carrying supplies to the Allies. BTW, WWI began when Austria's Arch Duke was assasinated, then it all snowballed into a "I'll kick your ass if you lay a hand on him!" over and over type of deal. When that war was over the Allies got pissed off at us 'cause we wouldn't sign the Treaty of Versi which was completely unfair and made Germany take blame for the war starting, even tho is wasn't Germany's fault. It also banned Germany from build a military or any defense of any kind AND they had to pay everyone's war debts.

**takes a breath**

WWII began when Germany went postal on everybody's ass. I mean, these guys really went ripping! They plowed through country after country, BUT, no one did anything to stop them until they tried to invade France. Germany didn't have a very tough time invading their wine valley there....Ryne? Anyways, France only had the old fashioned calvery while Germany had tanks. Then everyone got pissed.....except us. The majority of the country wanted to stay out of the war. But lo and behold, The Japanese caught a bad case of Gangis Khan fever and decide to get midevil on everyone starting with us. Then when they bombed Pearl Harbor we changed tune. We locked up all the Japanese in concetration camps out in Cali except for the ones in the military branches. We sent men to Europe and Pacific, dropped the Bombs and ended the war.

And that is your metal-head history lesson....class dismissed!
C'mon Liz..! Val is just voiceing his opinions as is everyone...but you seem to be getting really determined to make everyone think like you's not gonna happen. Being oppinionated is one thing...but go back and read some of these posts (on several threads) it's getting kind of ..well..hard to be perspective and not irritated. I used to enjoy reading your posts..but lately..not so much

Val is a she


I'm not trying to make others change their opinions, simply trying to get them see both sides of the coin. In order to defeat your enemies you must first understand them. And defeating doesn't always mean wiping them off the face of this earth, just bring a closeing to the war.

Yes I am opinionated and extremly stubborn. Hell, I can be a real bitch.

But we didn't join either war for the sole purpose to save everyone's asses, it just worked out that way. Now you get into Vietnam and Korea war, then yea, we did try to save their asses, but what happened? We lost Vietnam and Korea became the 'Forgotten War'. Our returning troops didn't even get a welcoming party or were greeted at the docks like in the other wars.

I'll shut up now........................:cry:
I'm not shuting up...I'm calming hard feelings :)

and what the Hell are you talking about Hannibal?? Is there something I've been incorrect about? do tell me.
BTW, I passed History, top of the class, but please excuse me should anything be wrong. Afterall I hadn't had history class in 2 years.

I'm afraid you still have much to learn. Your arrogance as well as your ignorance is dominating this thread. I won't debate you over history as I've got much better things to do than to perform a service your teachers should have done originally. I suggest you spend more time writing poems and leave politics and world history to those who know better. 16 year olds think they know it all. That's why we don't let them drink.

Good day young lady.

Read a book and watch the history channel.