You know guys...


chemical mysteries
Sep 27, 2001
Berlin and sometimes Athens
I've been in many forums, in the Blind Guardian, in Angra, in Opeth, in Dark Tranquillity and so on... In BG forum are tooooo many , in Angra very few, in Opeth and DT forum are most of them depressiv...

The only forum that makes me "feel at home" is this one [sniff, sniff].

So, thanks for the good time guys!!! :rock:

We are the elite!!! :grin: :lol:


will you be my friend, dude?
this is the only message board i like that i havent been banned from. i hope wendy will be my friend. i hope warrel doesnt get offended by my posts, he is a great inspiration to me. nevermore is cool, i hope they find it in their hearts to be my friends.
Originally posted by Iced Dragon
Hell, every Nevermore fan is a pervert....we like WD hehe:loco:
Oh my God!! :eek: What if he drops in and finds this????? :eek:

By the way we definitely are the lords of the board!! :grin:
well - im not perverted! but thats only my opinion hehe
yeah, this board rules ... rather cool ppl in here, I like that
Well it is very simple. The success of a board is depended on:
A. The subject
B. The functionality, and last but not least
C. The participants.

This board is:
A. About Nevermore
B. Designed by UM
C. Full of Neverheadz.

Well i don't think a board can get much better than this...:grin: