You know what I need?

Me too, for obvious reasons. Of course I hate them at the same time for an obvious reason.

To clarify thats for taking my idol out of Brokenigger and wasting him.
Karen, I fully agree, a tour is most certainly wanted. "Who's the sit in Shred"?

As for the drinks you guys mentioned, Clamato is just nasty, oh god, nasty. Better than just B-Mary's is Snappy-Tom's. Similar in making to Mary's, but much more spicy, therefore better IMO. :kickass:
Okay, I've hated Will Ferrell for a very long time, but everyone kept telling me to see Anchorman and that it would totally change my opinion of him. BUT I SAW IT AND IT WAS JUST AS IDIOTIC AS EVERYTHING ELSE HE'S DONE.

I am so there with you KW, I HATE Ferrell in everything he has done. Old School, and all the rest, I do not in any way thing he is funny. Pfft, Frank the Tank could have been played by 1k different actors and been better. Sorry, Ferrell SUCKS.:Puke:
Okay, I've hated Will Ferrell for a very long time, but everyone kept telling me to see Anchorman and that it would totally change my opinion of him. BUT I SAW IT AND IT WAS JUST AS IDIOTIC AS EVERYTHING ELSE HE'S DONE.
will beat me into submitting to that movie. yeah, it's dumb, but it still has funny parts. and, above all, it's damn quotable.