You laugh, you lose...



Also having religion in class tomorrow for 2h so... going to show it to my teacher. XD

Had religion today aswell even dough it was not so appreciate by the teacher when i said my theory about Islam only been created because Abraham fucked that that maid servant-whore hagar instead of his wife. But i acually used the phrase "knullade snett" in swedish....

She kind of bought it but did not really like the way i said it ^^
yeah lol,glad this stuff only follows you thorugh school and after school you're done with it.
We had those things too.Orthodox priest would come to class and start talking about God,Jesus and wonders god did this month.I hated those classes
lol relgion class was here like :'' yo guys, I know you're not into god and that stuff, I'll just teach you how to get along with each other properly''
nobody listened, though because the topic some times really switch to Jay and G.
You are lucky i guess.I hated those classes cause priest was nuts,and he didnt have any respect for other religions,and thats the thing i hate the most, plus he used tot alk shits like dear children you should defend your faith in beloved jesus,and in real christianity and so on.I think that he is teaching in primary school now and that some parents made a huge fight in school when their kid came home crying cause that lunatic told him that he will go to hell or smth like that.I wonder if they kicked him out of school.They should.
i think the whole prejudice/dislike towards religion is kind of dumb, most people dont have a real basis as to why they don't like religion etc. and yeah i wouldnt really like some priest coming and talking to my class but you at least have to listen to what he has to say you cant just be biased and hate everything those people stand for you have to respect all sides
Well, i really hate religion aswell but we don't get any priest and shit to tell us what to do. And if so, this will slowly begin to rise from under my table

Anyhow, we just read and discuss each religion kind of, the "big" ones. Not that bad as it may seem.
i think the whole prejudice/dislike towards religion is kind of dumb, most people dont have a real basis as to why they don't like religion etc. and yeah i wouldnt really like some priest coming and talking to my class but you at least have to listen to what he has to say you cant just be biased and hate everything those people stand for you have to respect all sides

Fuck off, I don't have to respect anything I don't want to. Religion has been the cause of some of the most devastating atrocities to blight mankind. The Crusades? The Christianization of Scandinavia? 9/11? Yeah sure, that's all "respectable".

And that's not even delving into the fact that anyone who believes a god exists is engaging in irrational and illogical thought and therefore has an inferior understanding of common sense.