Some butthurt christian with humanistic values comes to cry about religion being so wonderful. IMO Scandinavia must remove every trace of christianity and especially islam, which is getting stronger here since the EU fuckheads wants Europe to be some multicultural wonderland.
Wrong. I argued that it doesn't defy common sense. I have no problem being with people who are (insert religion here). It's not my life. Every being is responsible to live their own life.
What you people are suggesting..let's say, I quote you for giggles:
"IMO Scandinavia must remove every trace of christianity and especially islam"..
You are suggesting genocide yourself, there. I am merely suggesting that I respect other people's decisions. It was, in fact, the inability to respect others believes that led to these acts of idiocy. Like yourself.
I don't believe the root of the problem in Europe is religion. What needs to happen is to control the immigration and assimilation needs to happen. Else, they should simply get kicked back into their countries. You have people (let's say Muslims) who immigrate from poor countries. They have little education, and they get support from the government with the minimal effort to assimilate into the culture.
It's sad when the statistics are that the majority of tax money to support families goes to immigrated people who do not want to assimilate and stick to their selves and others like them. They are undereducated, thus stupid. (This is Sweden).
Religion itself does not instruct people to kill other people. Religion might indeed have been a tool--it was. But people were undereducated, they themselves did not know how to read--everything they knew were told..brainwashed into them regardless of the basis of whatever religion. They could have been told it was the moral thing to do. Group A could have said that Group B (Who acted totally different) were unethical, thus it is the moral thing to do is cleansing regardless of God.
Might have been Utilitarianism and simply said that the consequence of killing all the Muslims would result in a better world for all to live in; thus, it is the right thing to do.
@The original person I'm quoting:
Scandinavia is hardly Christian..at least Sweden. They like to say, "Oh we are protestant. Right." I know no one that actually attends church and such. My old neighborhood before I moved to Stockholm used to have a church nearby--it's now a restaurant.