you like guitar tone threads....right?

Maybe try and get those guitars a bit louder in the mix? the kick is huge on this one, it would fit if you'd get the guitars a bit louder.. i like it though, it's just really hard to judge it in a small clip with just drums...
Ît sounds dull, that's the main problem to me. Is that a real mic/cab combo or a speaker sim?
~BURNY~ said:
Ît sounds dull, that's the main problem to me. Is that a real mic/cab combo or a speaker sim?


it sounds pretty lifeless (just constructive criticism, so you know what you can improve)

Rock on! :headbang:
Razorjack said:
"If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all" that's what I was taught.

Exactly, so why post Razorjackass. Blatant trolling. As for the rest of you, its a mic'ed 75, dual rectifier, bad monkey overdrive. speaker sim? haha, funny stuff. Sounds NOTHING like a speaker sim, what this boils down to is WHO posts WHAT. If it were some radical, super established engineer that posted, you'd be licking the crust from their ass, giving all kinds of compliments. Did i say this was a "mix" .... no.. " GUITAR TONE" so dont comment on anything other than the guitar :rolleyes:
The guitars sound pretty 2 dimensional and lifeless. I think the pedal is sucking the dimensionality out of the rectifier, it's just making it sound flat and fuzzy. Might be worth dropping it and comparing.
Familia><Publica said:
Exactly, so why post Razorjackass. Blatant trolling. As for the rest of you, its a mic'ed 75, dual rectifier, bad monkey overdrive. speaker sim? haha, funny stuff. Sounds NOTHING like a speaker sim, what this boils down to is WHO posts WHAT. If it were some radical, super established engineer that posted, you'd be licking the crust from their ass, giving all kinds of compliments. Did i say this was a &quot;mix&quot; .... no.. &quot; GUITAR TONE&quot; so dont comment on anything other than the guitar :rolleyes:

You wanted an answer to why there was so many views and few comments, that was my answer. I don't see what I did to provoke name-calling.
Familia><Publica said:
Exactly, so why post Razorjackass. Blatant trolling. As for the rest of you, its a mic'ed 75, dual rectifier, bad monkey overdrive. speaker sim? haha, funny stuff. Sounds NOTHING like a speaker sim, what this boils down to is WHO posts WHAT. If it were some radical, super established engineer that posted, you'd be licking the crust from their ass, giving all kinds of compliments. Did i say this was a "mix" .... no.. " GUITAR TONE" so dont comment on anything other than the guitar :rolleyes:

Whoa, chill out bro. Sounds like someone's bitter for no reason. You came here for an honest critque, the least you can do is take your criticism constructively.

In your opinion, it sounds nothing like a speaker sim. When I took a listen, I would have guessed it's a POD. It's got wayyyy too much gain, making the whole tone sound kind of fuzzy. Sounds like they'd get easily lost in a mix. The tone is there, just need to back off the gain, and give it some air in the top end.

Good luck.
Just giving you my opinion as you requested. Sorry for the untasteful joke about
the "tone tread". I thought it was funny but it's obviously not. Now, about a the speaker sim question , It was an honest question I think, you can do wonders with impulses... It wasn't mean to offend you.
The point of the question was to know if you can move the mic or not. If so maybe the lack of presence can be solved by moving it nearer to the cone (assuming it is possible).
Keep cool.
I don't mind that tone... not bad. I agree pretty much with Black neon bob, and.. not with anyone else really.

It actually reminds me of Necrophagist Epitaph just a little bit, with the understated and smooth pick attack. But.. theirs has a bit less of a grainy gain I'd say... and less gain/more clarity overall. Though they barely let any chords ring long enough to catch much of it.

As far as the bitchyness that's going on here, well I don't think there's any matter of "WHO", but I do think there's a typical sort of tone a lot of people want.. and want to hear, and the closer to that you get, the 'better' your tone supposedly is. So, a somewhat skewed objectivity at least.

But of course in reality, there's always more than one way to skin a cat.
It can't be the exact same tone, that one sounds better, but maybe that's because it is mixed with vocals and synths, which fill the high end... on it's own it sounds dull. Try the suggestions from above, you need more clarity, now the guitars are a bit buried under the highs...

Good luck :kickass:
if i had to be constructive i would say...
try backing off the gain on the bad monkey and on the recto. i would turn down the mids and make sure your tone knob is up...sounds like its not.