You may bash me for this but...

He mentioned this in a thread on the forums a couple of months ago.

If I understood well, the bass is stereo ? It's the first time I head of a stereo bass sound, I was sure the brain was not able to make a decent stereo image of bass frequencies and therefore it was better to let it pure mono ?

EDIT : Special mention to "Idle Blood" which is a really wonderful song with NO ELECTRIC GUITAR. The desperate singing in the end is pure 10/10 of musicality.
If I understood well, the bass is stereo ? It's the first time I head of a stereo bass sound, I was sure the brain was not able to make a decent stereo image of bass frequencies and therefore it was better to let it pure mono ?
The low lows are difficult or impossible to localize but the bass guitar covers a broad spectrum so it can certainly be stereo. The impressive thing is that he panned two different mics in a way that IMO never sounds lopsided or strange-- it just sounds huge.

That song is sooooo great, it's probably the song I listened to the most in my whole life. Some of their greatest songs are on single, Code against the code is really nice too.
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