You must be the best band ever!!!


New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2004
Hi Amon Amarth!!!
I'm a little drunk at this moment, but I really must say that you really kick ass.

I work as a wharehouse worker at Arla in Gothenburg and I bought myself a Mp3player and have played your music in it all week. And my work don't seem to bad bad when I listen to your music. It all makes it worth while.

Please come to Gothenburg soon so I can listen to you live. And maybe talk to you. Ask you, how the hell can you make such god music.

I think that Bloodshed is one the greatest song I've ever heard. I want to screem together with ya BLOODSCHED!!!. It seems very apropirate right about this time.

Okay, seeya.

Goshawk :wave: :wave:
Did I mention he gave me a private message about that? I guess ah...soon they'll refuse to play anywhere but big venues. And oh don't forget...if no gin and tonic with that extra lime and wee bit of salt is set backstage, the band goes home.