"You must spread rep around before giving it to Nogie again"

ANOTHER nogie thread?? geeeeeeeezzzzzz... This is getting rather ridiculous... nogie this, nogie that, nogie this, etc etc...

At the current rate forum conversation will be solely like this within a month:
Person 1 - "Noga no Ga noe gie no guh. Noga nogie n*\o/*ga"
Person 2 - "Nogie noh :worship: gar noga. (NOGA :lol: ). No, :guh:. N Oh ga?"
Person 1 - "No. noh gah"


At least she deserves the love/attention :p ;)

sopopular :eek:
Well I am not gonna discuss who rules the most out of those two.but Ouaga has a monkey on her avatar and that beats Eeyore by 1000 at least.
Misanthrope said:
jeal·ous (jĕl'əs)
  1. Fearful or wary of being supplanted; apprehensive of losing affection or position.
    1. Resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious: jealous of the success of others.
    2. Inclined to suspect rivalry.
:lol: nice try ;)