You nostalgia, you lose


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Oh, Final Fantasy 7, how I remember you. I never could beat you and there years it took me to stop playing you. But here is something that I was absolutely terrified of.

Final Fantasy is probably the toughest Final Fantasy to beat. It takes an insane amount of strategic training, which is hard to do because the story is so engaging. On my second playthrough, I tried getting all the 4th limit breaks, and missed out on... I think it was two of them.

The amount of side stories made side quests awesome, though.
Final Fantasy is probably the toughest Final Fantasy to beat. It takes an insane amount of strategic training, which is hard to do because the story is so engaging. On my second playthrough, I tried getting all the 4th limit breaks, and missed out on... I think it was two of them.

The amount of side stories made side quests awesome, though.

I could never beat it. I eventually had to give up. I still got my memory card with my game on it though. I might go backa dn try to conquer it, but I doubt I will being out the Play Station. I seen my older brother beat it numerous times though. And he never cheated or anything. No guide either. Do they even have cheats and a guide for it?
^Fuck yes; now that is old school.

Let me try to one up that on the rarity scale:

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some of the shows i grew up on. I watched all of these religiously except for the pole position(it sucked). i just posted it cause the intro is awesome

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these dolls always scared the shit out of me, even before I knew about chucky


80s shorts FTL



the mullet: the mandatory hairstyle in my neighborhood. It wasn't a question whether you sported one, it was whether you had a rat tail or the classier traditional type

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