you stupid stupid man


Your mamma was a hampster
May 7, 2003
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while recently browsing the ausdt forum, i was amazed to find a person who chose to see silverchair over opeth when they both played in sydney on april 13. when i questioned his decision, this was his reply:

I think Diarama is their most musical album to date. Brilliant arrangments, vocal lines, orchestration and all that shit....Oh well. Lucky for you, it was me that chose to see Silverchair over Opeth and not you

what is our world coming to!!!!
Oh, in my opinion Silverchair are GOOD......VERY GOOD in fact, but yeah.... I still woulda gone to see Opeth over the 'chair any day.

You've also got to consider that the chances of seeing Opeth in Oz have always beeb VERY slime..... until recently that is, and that we weren't expecting them to come back for quite some time..... Until the recent possibility of them coming back again at the end of the year to round out the Damnantion tour, that is.

And that usually, being an Aussie band... it shouldn't be TOO hard to see them when they tour locally.... but there is also the rumour going around that this may be the 'chairs LAST tour due to Daniels illness, though he seems to be recouperating fine now.
silverchairs new stuff ie diorama album is just crap...i have no gripe against silverchair themselves, and actually quite like their old stuff...but I HATE DIORAMA...and i would never see anyone over opeth (i went to the sydney opeth concert btw)
Silverchair versus Opeth. A futile question for a start. Look he went to one because hey its a choice. Those tickets were almost impossible to get. Daniel Johns is a great songwriter. I don't see how you can compare a melancholic rock band to a melancholic metal band. Oh shit maybe you can lol.
By the way the reclusive Johns did a couple of interviews on Australian TV and showed himself to be an intelligent and thoughtful musician.
More strength to him.
And yes I would choose Opeth but found out too late for both shows.
Maybe I am biased cause I come from Newcastle but all reports indicate the shows were great.
From the moment I read the thread title, I knew it was an Aussie that posted it! :lol:

Anyway, I was lucky enough to see Silverchair AND Opeth recently... and I would have had a hard time deciding if I could only go to one. Firstly, there have been rumours that Silverchair will quit touring altogether after this tour, and also with Daniel's recent illnesses there's a fair chance something could go wrong again. With Opeth, we already knew they'd be coming back for Damnation, so you'd get the chance to see them later in the year anyway... so I can see why we might have chosen the Chair over Opeth.

However, as I said... I didn't have to make that decision myself, and I'm glad... I don't know what I would have picked in the end.

Also: hooray for AusDT! :D
ChrisEmerson said:
i dont like silvercahir at all, but my friend's best friend is the lead singers girlfriend. supposedly. maybe ex by now i dunno.
So your friend's best friend is Natalie Imbruglia? The international pop star and face of Loreal?


Also, they're engaged now... so you might be talking about an old girlfriend.

Kushantaiidan: popularity doesn't matter if the music is good. Why do you say they're popular as if it's a bad thing?