You Tube wants to be Eaten

Fuck yeah it is, some small thing to hold me over for a little bit till the DVD sees the light of day. Though, I don't know if this will really help me since it just makes me want more.

i always check youtube for bloodbath vids.....happy to finally see one
ahhh what do we got here... cool one and the longest bootleg clip so far!
naturally the whole band as well as the sea of death metal fans fill on the backing eaten growls! its a death anthem! and hell, mike's vox sounds ace!
anyways, i'll keep u posted about any progress.
Thanks, Leimy, I am trying another program I found for now.

I can't stop watching it, too fucking awesome.

Anders, it is hard to tell who is doing what in that, but I know I hear Dan for sure, looks like you are doing some backing vocals too? Can't tell what Jonas is doing.
Thanks for finding and converting Tumn!
Man, you can understand every word of the lyrics if you know them. Mike sounds brutal.
He even gets pretty high at the part after the clean break. My fav part of the song.
Tumn, am I right to think that you already asked the publisher if he has more?