You woke up in 2009 and the first thing you played was...

OK, go ahead and mock me. The first band I heard was not old school at all it was the very "new school" In This Moment album Beautiful Tragedy. After that I washed it down with some Megadeth - That One Night In Buenos Aires. Happy new year to all on the board!
It was a gift from a friend i got it in late october, and let me tell you it smokes, i usually get my hands on some releases before they come out:kickass: Heavier too
It was a gift from a friend i got it in late october, and let me tell you it smokes, i usually get my hands on some releases before they come out:kickass: Heavier too

I already have as MP3s and frankly I feel it blusier and softer than its predecessors, but still is on wish list for 2009 among the first purchases to be made and I was curious how you got it :Saint:
the first heavy music i played '"when i woke up" was-Cirith Ungol "One Foot In Hell"

also lighter stuff like Tin Machine(d.bowie,reeves gabrels);and Empire Records Soundtrack CD EP-Edwynn Collins
The first metal album I played was Judas Priest Point of Entry

but as I was out in a club at midnight the first official song I heard was Killing Joke Love Like Blood although I must admit that I picked that song.:heh: