You won't be an elite DT forum member until...


Oct 28, 2001
Ok, so, in all my insomniac glory I've devised this game, the purpose is to list funny things about the forum and/or it's member, like:

You won't be an elite DT forum member until...

  • mousewings tells you you are cute (if you're male)
  • rahvin addresses you with words that you have to look up in a dictionary, and that he thinks make him look cool and literate
  • realhazard misspells your (nick)name in a way that he deems funny
  • you've seen certain gory pics involving phyros and bunnies (this one is for the tr00est ones :p )
Come on, give it a try :D
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  • onyx asks you: nickname, what does that word mean?
  • villain claims you need to follow his program for keeping youths off the streets because you forgot the exact release date of enter suicidal angels
  • melancholia analyzes your dreams in a 40,000 words post that becomes your recurring nightmare
  • misanthrope calls you a fucking n00b.
  • A thread you started is linked to in the forum faq
  • You've disagreed with Salamurhaaja on political issues
  • Hearse has made you download Thales
  • You've seen at least three threads asking about the female vocalist on Projector
  • You understand the significance of German smileys
  • Siren has flirted with you
  • At the Gates has kept a secret from you
  • you have heard hearse refer to practices involving his manhood as "clubbing the baby seal", "performing diagnostics on my man-tool", "playing the skin flute", or "shaking the coconut milk of love from the leafless palm trunk".
  • you have had your own birthday thread where a dozen of birthday-boys and -girls - people who only posts on now playing, now eating and birthday threads - you barely know congratulates on you finally turning twelve.
* you have started a birthday thread no matter if you knew the little bastard you wanted to greet.

*you've posted minimum 10 times in the NP thread

*you've babbled or seen babbling about how "unpolite" teh people in teh opteh forum are! (teh)

*you remember who phyros and astarte are...

*you've been called dimwit by hyena

*you've seen at least 25 different phyre smilies (and oh how they rule!)

*you've been bored by melancholia and the melon's continuos stupidities you don't understand and they seem to find fun!

*you've thought that Ingenious, no matter what he says, he's not a robot, and he seems to experience some feelings...

*you've thought that Thanatos real name was Jacinto!

fathervic ( * * * )
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  • you've rolled your eyes at melancholia's nth detailed descrption of the tea she is drinking
  • you start ignoring the "I'm new, What's the better DT album?, and so on" threads
  • you know the hotkeys for at least 5 smileys
  • you know at least two of the countless rahvin's ex girlfriends that dwell in the forum :tickled:
*You have experienced at least one negative comment, considering you grammar, by Rahvin.

*You have violently bent at least DT one song to fit into your perwertic point of view what is the song about.

*You have flamed newbies.

*You have made fun of Opeth´s Off-topic Chat Forum at least once.

*You have boasted with your hyper-fast internet connection.

*You have collected pure and honest sympathy from the regular members.

*You have appeared at the DT chats.

*If have replied to your bd thread, and if the gongratulations were typed correctly you are very kool (magazine with a little boy on the cover) and respected person.

*You have experienced at least four of my experimental threads.

*You have experienced at least two mud-cat-wrestling-flame-wars.

*One of the regulars has observed your porn collection from your shared folder in P2P program.

*You associate these words easily into each others "kitty"; "snaredrum"; "communist"; "trainer-shoe"; "dark"; "flames".

If you do, somekind of unearthly power of your belief bless you.
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Nogie said:
her ex's??? is there something you want to tell us, my dear rahvin?
  • you have picked on rahvin's immediately corrected typos at least once, regardless of the fact he's posting an average of four thousand new messages each minute
  • People have referred to you by your first name... even if it is not part of your sig or username
  • You drool over the forum member's pictures and are happy when someone hot puts up an avatar with a pic of themselves
  • There's a nickname for you (such as Thanny, Nicky, etc.)
  • Ormir has flirted with you (if you are male... sometimes females too)
  • You've posted about how people from other forums are tools and/or are rude and said how great it is here as compared to there
  • You know where everyone is from and how old they are (despite these facts not being on everyone's profile)
  • You know who the forum Nazi is...
  • You've befriended people here, despite your obvious weirdness
  • You remember the hot singer-songwriter guy's creation of superband At the Flames
  • You've been mentioned/have participated in the round robin writing thread
@Thanny: I tell the newbies they're cute as well (scaring them away), so that's not an indication of being elite. Being elite means I've hit on you and you haven't minded. :p
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@Ahrvin:My brains are fed with highly intellectual leftist (read non-facist) blood,though my knowledge with biology is quite poor.

*You have at least one of my experiment threads devoted to you.

*At least 45% of the regular members have said something nice about you.

*You´ve got your own hb thread made by someone else than yourself

*You noticed me whining of my fast net-connection.

*At least one of your real-life friends has said something good about bass treatment in Hedon.

*You know who the female vocalist on Projector is, you just can´t remember.

*You´ve read this whole thread including the part where some evil-minded creatures doubt the sex of Rahvin and the lack of it.

*You got the line above.

*Ormir has dedicated a picture manipulation to you.
(without this you´re nutginh)

*You that it is possible to be a guy named as Michelle.

*You know what is so weird with 8th measure in Zodijackyl Light.

*You have boasted at least twice with your Zodijackyl Light VHS . I know I have.