You won't be an elite DT forum member until...

  • You have several phoney UM accounts
  • You post in more than ten UM boards
  • You know your multiplication and division
  • Are known as the forum gossip
  • Has a quote unquote "cool" avatar
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Reactions: Ormir
  • mousewings has hit on your husband (edit: after public demand i shall add "or your boyfriend" u_u) :p
  • you've hugged teh bunney!!! ^___^
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Reactions: Ormir
-You have posted on the bubu-thread, even tho you haven't got the
slightest clue what bubu means or what that thread is about.

-You've hit back on Ormir, even if you are straight.

-You know my real name.

-You know my full name.
*You know what follows arfer i type "btw" or "by the way".

*You´ve had a thread dedicated to your computer mouse or to your car.

*You have made your 1st thousand post and started a thread of it.
(ok: 666;5000;7600 are fine too)
*you still remember what "chupi" means and therefore you feel chupi about it!

* you've experience server problems with the UM...oh wait, that makes you an average user, the ones that HAVEN'T experience server problems are either outlayered statistics or miracles!
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Reactions: Onyx
  • You've clicked on a 5 page long thread, wondering how something appeared and got so long since you last logged on, only to discover that you'd replied 4 times already, back in July 2002, before RH resurrected it...
  • Not only did you post on the bubu thread, but you've seriously argued its grammatical rules...
  • You've actually attempted to stop a flamewar on these boards... and you may have been successful...
  • yeah... btw... I'm new here... which is the best album?
~Nothing is trivial
* you've dug up a super old thread
* you felt like killing At the gates after one of his typical revealing sensitive information
* you know what a Bubu is
* you've posted in Ingenius' super successful Dreamthread
* you use chupi in other forums,too
* I've analyzed your dreams in a 40.000 words post :loco:
* you understand FV's witty jokes
* you know who the DT doctor is
* you've felt you're going to pee on yourself,but "refused" to stop posting and go to the bathroom
Thanatos said:
*cough* serenla *cough* I know she dwells, she's just in invisible mode :p

oh but of course. i had thought about that later. she's just such a professional lurker i often forget she spies on me over here. ;) last time i saw her she wanted to send her new bf to beat up some of my friends and - incidentally - me. good old serenla. always keen on provding material for countless laughs. :)

- hearse asks you to post pics of you wearing g-strings at least a dozen times
- |ngenius calls you "little one"
- vultureculture just :wave: at you
  • this is the third time you post here
  • you start to feel that everyone here is saying the same but with different words
  • you feel ashamed 'cause you are not that good writing in english
  • you know the board seasons, you know when and why is the people here and when they are not
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Reactions: Onyx
Onyx said:
Hmm... :err: Do I get annoying with that?

nah, i think the purpose of this thread is also to make some light-hearted fun of our most recurring habits. for instance, though many have mentioned my using uncommon words, never for a second do i assume that i really get annoying with those... :grin: :rolleyes:

rahvin said:
nah, i think the purpose of this thread is also to make some light-hearted fun of our most recurring habits. for instance, though many have mentioned my using uncommon words, never for a second do i assume that i really get annoying with those... :grin: :rolleyes:

you assumed wrong you piece-of-shit, scumbag of a moderator :mad:

....oops, wrong thread *heads to flamethrower* :p