You'll never believe who just called me!!


May 13, 2002
New Baltimore, Michigan
Stephan Lill of Vanden Plas!!

I was unable to go to PP4, so, since I talk to him on their message board, he said to give him my number and he'd call while here in the states. Well, due to difficulties, he had to wait until they got back to Germany.

I'm at work and the phone beeps and I answer it and the woman up front here says "there is a gentleman from Germany on line 1 looking for his friend Jeff". Right away I knew who it had to be. I was so excited that I'm surprised I was able to carry on a normal conversation with him.

So, we talked for about 15 minutes, mostly about their experience at PP4 (it made me wish I had been there even more) and them wanting to come back to the States once the new CD is finished and released. His main concern was filling venues, so we'd really need to get the word out!! I don't want another Symphony X incident where their set got cut short because not enough people showed up.

Thanks Stephan for making my morning! Feel free to call me anytime!

That is wonderful! I am also from New Baltimore (I used to be under the name Draconian Demon) and I would definitly go to a Vanden Plas show here in Detroit!

I saw them at ProgPower and I am definitly going to get some Vanden Plas albums ... I was very impressed!
Stephan RULES... After the 2nd night we were all drinking at our hotel.. We had to explain to him what a "Hottie" is.. That guy was hysterical!!
yeah thats awesome.. i love the metal world so much, where musicians keep in contact with the fans, for me theyre like celebrities, more so than your 'commercial celebrity' because i actually respect them for what they do..and i love that for some part, they dont think anything of themselves for doing it.
yeah we did not like to talk about it because we were afraid of whats crossing the boundaries and whats not (out of respect).. but then he did seem really cool about it, so it probably is ok.

so approx a week ago today, stephan forte of adagio contacted me, so i got him to contact shreddi too (coz i was in pm with shreddi at the time) and we all had an amazing conversation together that went on for hours and hours, and he promised to keep in touch with us..
adagio forum for me..i only posted on it a couple of times, and hadnt posted in ages but then bam! out of nowhere he adds me to his contact list and the rest is history. but theyre preparing for a tour at the moment so i dont know when he will be around again.
SilentRealm said:
and he was flirting with me in a private pm at the same time as we were having the group convo in the other box.. :lol:..those french men...
Really? i though he was flirting with you in the group convo thing, i can;t imagine what was going on the private messag box between you two!:ill::)

And i introduced him to Opeth!!! i dont know if he likes it, but how awsomme would it be if i can say to someone that;
me - Did you know that got Stphan Fort`e into Opeth?
Them - Really? AreYou to friends?
me - Yup, we talk alot...i introduced him to it!
hehe, that would be awsomme!

he told me a really funny joke about a dude with a 50cm dude, if you know what i mean?:loco: