Recommendation: Adagio...


Mar 19, 2003
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Many call Vanden Plas a Dream Theater Jr., so now I present you with a Symphony X Jr...

The few songs that I have found off of their album "Sanctis Ignis" are amazing, especially "Seven Lands of Sin"...

Thanks to Argle for helping me discover these guys... :rock: :rock: ...
I am eagerly awaiting Adagio's next cd. There first one was incredible especially for a debut. Stephan Forte is an insane player, and he says the next one will have a much more defining sound for them. If you have heard his instrumental on the Alchemists, you know what I am talking about. He shreds up a storm on that one.
Weee! An excellent album. Favourites are: Second Sight, In Nomine..., The Inner Road, and probably Sanctus Ignis.
I'm looking forward to the new release. It's called Underworld. Be warned, though...

it's gonna be a little different than Sanctus Ignis. But I have no doubt it'll be killer!