Recommend me some prog metal

R*O*C*K*S* said:
that's great to hear !! :)
if you have difficulties finding other songs, just add me on icq :p

Yeah that would be great, except i havent got icq..i do have 3 other pagers though.. which my addies for are all listed on ma profile.

and :loco: @ shreddi.. no thanx i dont think i will.
warman said:
I've come to conclusion that "prog" is just that shitty genre and has nothing to do with the word "progressive". 'cause those so-called "prog" bands are far from actually progressive music.

Oh and.. do we have to keep hearing every wierdo's opinion on what they think is prog, and how that everyone else is wrong?
The Metal Chick said:
You were probably right behind me then, I was in the second 'row' There was a guy behind me that was talking to some people, sounded like a real 'know-it-all' talking like a total prog nerd...that wasn't you was it? ;) I kept wanting to turn around and punch him in the face...

sorry I'm done complaining now :grin:

Oh god no, I think that was the guy to the left and slightly in front of me. He annoyed me a bit too. Anyway, when SyX got on the stage, I was too busy singing to talk. :)

And SilentRealm, Shreddi was talking to warman I'm sure. ;)
Fuck, either change your av' or don't post here.

haha! YOU can stop posting if it annoys you. you know what? like I was interested in hearing your whiney-ass opinion of my avatar. as far as I know, the rules don't forbid putting D. Hasselhoff (MY PERSONAL IDOL) as avatar.

maybe you should go tell your mom that I have a bad avatar... or go practice shredding some more, it could actually get you somewhere.

have a nice day, mate!
LABYRINTH AND ROYAL HUNT.not really prog like symphony x and dream theater but stll write good songs have good musicians and i think both these bands are much better than kamelot.just my opinion,but a good metal band is a good metal band they don't have to be prog to be good
viking1065 said:
LABYRINTH AND ROYAL HUNT.not really prog like symphony x and dream theater but stll write good songs have good musicians and i think both these bands are much better than kamelot.just my opinion,but a good metal band is a good metal band they don't have to be prog to be good
I don´t know anything by Labyrinth, but Royal Hunt is really good. Intelligent Melodic Rock/Metal with a lot of emotions. Not really Prog, but who cares?
Wow, lots of replies.

I've heard of the majority of these bands, but there are a few I haven't heard yet.

Shred-Ididle - No way is Angra better than Kamelot, and Thom is a great guitarist.
Oh, silent - i was meaining the fucklehoff fanboy's avatar, not yours. I think every guy in this forum will cry if you change it .lol.
lol shreddi i know.. i wasnt making any reply to the post of u asking the strange one to change his avi.. because yes i agree seeing david hasselhoff in his 'house-wear' is offensive to anyone.

shit if i had to take off mine, that means everyone has to take off pics of themselves.. the "no i dont think i will" remark, was about when u said to send my pic to the akashic guy to make him reply
whao. never did I imagine seeing Hasslehoff here..or a reasonable facsimile. didn't he sell his soul to Satan to revive his career? :lol:

I've heard Kamelot and they're pretty good. but I like Angra better.
Who the hell is Hasselhoff? Some porn star or something?

LOL!! He wishes!! the freak from baywatch. and btw how could he sell his soul to REVIVE his career..did he really have one anyway??

and btw.. kamelot is a pretty cool band, i got a few of their songs.. and no one mentioned demons & wizards yet did they?
if anyone cares LABYRINTH is good, they have good musicians drummer is great and guitarist good as well.they have a new one coming out but one of there two guitarist left the band.songs to check out are new horizons,moonlight,touch the rainbow and save me if you like these you will like this band
viking1065 said:
if anyone cares LABYRINTH is good, they have good musicians drummer is great and guitarist good as well.they have a new one coming out but one of there two guitarist left the band.songs to check out are new horizons,moonlight,touch the rainbow and save me if you like these you will like this band

I own "Sons of Thunder" and i only like two songs: Chapert one and Save me, the rest is boring. Their production isnt good enough and their style is too fast and noisy IMO.