Your 10 favourite albums from 2000 to 2010

In no particular order:

Nagelfar - Virus West
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Primordial - To the Nameless Dead
Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel
Heimdalls Wacht - Ut de Graute Olle Tied
Windir - 1184
Agalloch - The Mantle
Angizia - 39 Jahre für den Leierkastenmann
Alcest - Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
actually, your pretty wrong on that when it comes to decades, that would be like saying 1990 was a part of the 80's, 1980 was part of the 70's etc...for example...

That's exactly what I am saying. You don't count from 1-9. You count from 1-10, 11-20, 21-30,...1-100

I can post Wikipedia articles too:

Read the very first line of the article proper.
NO SHIT? Really, is that how you really count bro?/!/?? loll .... did you not read what i typed? What about the links i put there for you?

thats not how it works when your referring to decades.

Actually it should be from 2001-2010.

no, it shouldn't. read that first sentence proper, now proceed to slap yourself, and just in case your having a hard time, here it is for you ...

"The 2000s was a decade that started on January 1, 2000 and ended on December 31, 2009."
Krig: Nice to see you really like the Wintersun CD also. Nice to see somebody else who's not a faggort. :V
haha you guys are nuts. decade, as in 'deca' as in TEN. the first year of a set of ten can still begin with a zero, as in '2000' would be the first year in a decade with 2009 being the last. not difficult.
Wintersun's S/T is easily the farggortiest thing to happen to metal in the 2000's.

You seem to hate a lot of good metal, so I'm not surprised by your response.

haha you guys are nuts. decade, as in 'deca' as in TEN. the first year of a set of ten can still begin with a zero, as in '2000' would be the first year in a decade with 2009 being the last. not difficult.

Yeah, I always thought the decade began on 2000 (and ended with 2009) also.
A decade is just ten consecutive years regardless of what year it begins with. It's just easier and more convenient for people to categorize things into the 70s, 80s, 90s etc. That's partially why I brought up the 2000-2009 thing but also because I've noticed that many people mistakenly look at a period of time of say, 2000-2010, as being ten years. This of course happens when they do the math in their head without realizing it's actually 11 years including the year of 2010. But anyways, problem solved, who cares.
Damn. The question here will be are they my favorite ten just picking up albums NOW from the past ten years, or thinking about what my favorite albums were ten years ago? Because in 2000 I was so into Slipknot and Static-X it ain't even funny.
TBDM - Nocturnal
The Faceless - Both
BTBAM - Alaska
Keith Merrow - Awaken the Stone King
Animosity - Animals
After the Burial - Rareform (reissue)
Unearth - III
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Chimp Spanner - At the Dream's Edge
No particular order:

Repugnant - Epitome of Darkness
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Darkthrone - Hate Them
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
Agalloch - The Mantle
Tribulation - The Horror
Darkthrone - Sardonic Wrath
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

This list changes quite frequently.
Not 10, but meh - couldn't be fucked narrowing it to 10. Not in order.

Destruction - The Antichrist
Sodom - M-16
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Alchemist - Austral Alien
Paradise Lost - Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
Decrepit Birth - Diminishing Between Worlds
Crom - Vengeance
Ignivomous - Death Transmutation
Insomnium - Above the Weeping World
Gorguts - From Wisdom to Hate
Iced Earth - Horror Show
Amon Amarth - With Oden on our Side
Psycroptic - The Scepter of the Ancients
Immolation - Majesty and Decay
Stormlord - Mare Nostrum
Decapitated - Winds of Creation
Inveracity - Extermination of Millions
Severed Saviour - Brutality is Law
The Chasm - Conjuration of the Spectral Empire
Morbid Angel - Gateways to Annihilation
Be'lakor - Stone's Reach
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
Element - The Energy
Strapping Young Lad - SYL
October Tide - A Thin Shell
Emeth - Telesis
Obscura – Omnivium
Nocturnus - Thresholds
It might be gay extreme powermetal, but the dude can write some damn good metal. and to top it off, he can fucking shred like crazy.
Put Kai Hahto on drums and you got a winner.

I don't consider it "gay" at all. May be a bit flowery at times, but it's still more manly than Sonata Arctica and other such bullshit. Wintersun is just quality power metal, IMO. Fantastic, well-written songs.