Your 10 song Dungeon set?


Apr 13, 2001
Remember Dungeon? Sure you do.. :hotjump:

Head over to the Dungeon BB and vote for your favourite set.

Or just post it here;

A Rise To Power
Against The Wind
One Step Beyong
Neverlife (Black Roses)
Insanitys Fall
One Shot At Life
Lost In The Light
random cover song
The Power Within
The Legend of Huma
Taranno Del Mar
Insanity's Fall
Lost in the Light
I am Death
Waiting on an Alibi (imagine the chants of STU! STU! STU! ... or something.)
One Step Beyond
Oh, and the set should have a backdrop of a zoomed in view of the Resurrection cover too. Zoomed into one of them little blokes.
Slave Of Love
One Shot At Life
Wake Up
Legend of Huma
Judgement Day
The Hunger
Wasted Years
Cruel Summer (yes, I want ya to cover Bananarama!)
The Art Of War
Wake Up
Tarrano Del Mar
The Other Side
Lost In The Light
No Way Out

The Legend Of Huma
Fast As A Shark
One Step Beyond

Awesome setlist. I would have voted for more, but 10 is 10. I love it when bands throw a cover into a set as well, so I didn't want to drop the cover for another song, even though there are heaps more I would like to see, like Fight, Judgement Day, Surface Tension, Time To Die, I Am Death, and the underated Don't Leave Me and Lies. Those songs should be traded in here and there to mix it up a bit.

Trixxi Trash said:
Slave Of Love
One Shot At Life
Wake Up
Legend of Huma
Judgement Day
The Hunger
Wasted Years
Cruel Summer (yes, I want ya to cover Bananarama!)

Uhh.... where is lost in the light??

Please fix this asap

The 1 and only time I saw Dungeon... the surprise highlight was Stormchaser :rodk:
I yelled out vodka frenzy during the songs at the brissy nightwish gig. Im not sure the band heard it and all I got from the people around me were strange looks :rock: Some dungeon fans they are! pfffft! :)