UM Sludge is back, this time with...

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001


Well after quite an absence, UM Sludge has returned! And the victim this time is none other than Stu of Dungeon! He's here to talk about all things metal, hairspray, women, gay metal singers, tattoos, and much more! So sit back and enjoy some time out with our very own Richie Sambora!


1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to plug whatever it is you want to plug.

Eating breakfast right now.... Umm, our new cd and hope everyone comes along to see us say hi! - I don't bite.

2. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give up and call it a day?

Bon jovi - the will never recapture the glory of slippery and jersey - the new cd blows goats.

3. You played in a Bon Jovi tribute band before Dungeon. Is it something you're proud to admit or something you'd rather people not know?

I am proud of it mostly because we had an awesome time and were a great bunch of friends - we had some huge parties on the road.

4. Who are the best and worst metal bands you've shared the stage with and why?

Best - Edguy - I am a huge fan and to see such a big band play so well and be such great guys was a huge lesson. Considering some bands have ego's the size of houses

Worst - every band that takes forever getting their shit off stage, bands that think their heroes and carry tosser attitudes -

Lesson for all you young bands out there - when your playing a festival with other bands - get your shit off stage the second you finish, This is because many bands finish playing, then dance around getting drinks, talking to people about how great they were and generally jerk off - while the band going on after you has to wait till you get your shit together then lug their own stuff on - this takes a lot of time and cuts into their set, shortening it - be warned, this is a pet fkn peeve of mine. Show respect - we do. J

5. Rate the following guitarists on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being about as good as Ray Martin's hairdo and 10 being a virtuoso.
Richie Sambora = 6
KK Downing = 10
Glenn Tipton = 10
Marty Friedman = 8
George Lynch = 6
Lord Tim = 9
Kai Hansen = 8
Michael Angelo = 10
Yngwie Malmsteen = 10
Vinnie Vincent = 4
Johnny Stoj = who?

6. Finish these sentences:

The most embarassing thing I've done on stage is...

Fall flat on my face in cowboy boots jumping up on a drum riser in front of 500 people....

The sheila I would most like to shoot full of love is...
My Girlfriend Julie.

My best memory of playing in the Bon Jovi tribute band is...
At the time a great and strong bond between us, getting drunk every night, getting paid for it and rocking out to music that was very un-fasionable at the time.

Stevo turns me on because...
I don't think so.

The best live concert I've ever seen was...
Surprise!... Priest, sydney last year - incredible - Then Halford with fight in 94

7. For $100,000, would you be Rob Halford's leather clad "Slave Of Love" for two hours invading his "Love Zone" while he's "Squealing in passion as the rod of steel injects"?
Nah - Funny story here - a mate of mine was at the fight soundcheck in 94 and a huge halford fan like me. He walked up to his idol and said - "Hi rob, I have been a priest fan for many years" - then halford replies, "do you know anywhere I can get some fresh meat?", he crumbled....... Couldn't believe it - quite a shock

8. Now that you guys are signed to Metal Warriors, do you think you could be touring Europe next year and get as big overseas as bands like Vanishing Point, Pegazus and Destroyer 666?

That's our whole focus right now - getting this show to europe and getting into it - Our entire drive is revolving around getting us to europe and playing. This involves sacrifice for jobs and lifestyles we have here but it's definitely worth it.

9. Has Stu ever:
Passed out on stage = no
Done a poo out in public = YES! When I was 9....
Fantasized about the previously mentioned Halford situation = no - but I would like to have a beer with him. He is the original metal god
Had the urge to smash your guitar onstage like Paul Stanley = only on people I play with :-P
Bought a Poison album = yes, I was a huge fan of "cat dragged in" great stuff
Teased your hair = Definitely - the BJ show was a mile of hairspray
Touched another Dungeon member's penis = No, do they have those? hehehe
Had two groupies at once = yes and no details, many many years ago.

10. You and Dakk both like going to the gym. Do you go together, in a plot to leave Dungeon and join Manowar someday?

Hahah, I have been told by someone that they would never have me since I shaved my head - so it's not likley hahahaha

11. For $20,000, would you tattoo your back with a large picture of Lord Tim's face in a love heart?
No - no amount of money.....

12. Which do you prefer?
Nitro or TNT = TNT
Jon Bon Jovi or JonBonJovi = Neither
Playing in Dungeon or being Richie Sambora = Playing in dungeon for sure
Slave To The Grind or Slave Of Love = Slave to the grind
"New Jersey" or "Brave New World" = Brave new world
Sanity's Cage or Eyefear = Both - awesome bands
Ripper Owens or Blaze Bayley = Blaze
Stryper or Slayer = ooooo, don't make me choose - I love em both
Helloween or Gamma Ray = helloween ( early)

13. The new Dungeon album is going to be called "A Rise To Power". Are you worried that people may think you're advertising Viagra?

Heheh, well I don't think we will have that issue, heheh

14. Rate the following chicks on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being about as sexy as Richie Benaut and 10 meaning you'll be her slave of love.
Heather Lochlear = 5
Pamela Anderson = 2
Bobbie Brown = 3
Estelle Getty = 10!!!!
JonBonJovi =????
Britney Spears = 5
Kylie Minogue = 1
Lita Ford = 10 because she plays a mean axe!
Lidia from Enter Twilight = Dunno - Really nice person and good band
Charli Robinson from Hi-5 = who?

15. Which "rock star" in the Aussie metal scene most deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

He'll know it when he gets one from me J.

16. Did you have hopes and dreams of replacing Richie Sambora in the real Bon Jovi, or were you scared that you might shag a tranny by accident after your first show?

I think that thought did actually cross my mind when they toured for the these days tour - the BJS did the official aftershow parties in sydney, melbourne and adelaide - I was hoping he would collapse and I could help em out, dumb stuff but dreams are dreams

17. Is your real surname Marshall or are you being endorsed by Marshall Amps?

Born a marshall - no stage names here.

18. On the Dungeon site you say your interests include women AND girls. What age do you think separates the two, and which do you prefer?

Well I like both - I guess the age of 18 to 25 is a girl then they become women, that's possibly staring a fight with those of the female sex but I don't care - but I am pretty happy with my lady now.

19. What Bon Jovi song did you most hate playing live?

This ain't a love song!! Grrrrrr boring!

20. Time for UM Sludge's word association! You know how this goes, we say a word and you explain the first thing you associate with it!
Ram It Down = briliiance
Anarion = nice..
Edguy = legends
Cheese = manowar
Runaway = bad nightmares
Metal Warriors = fkn cool organisation
Lord Tim = great dude and a gifted muso
Cacophony = awesome,
Winger = faded out
Tattoos = the ultimate tool of personal expression


Well that was pretty cool! Here is the obligatory quick summary:

- Bon Jovi should call it a day and their new album sucks
- You should pack your stuff up quickly after playing a gig
- Nitro's guitarist is a 10/10... Cool! :grin:
- Vinnie Vincent is only a 4/10... Not so cool :(
- Halford is on the prowl for "fresh meat"
- Hopefully Dungeon will be touring Europe next year
- Poison's first album is "great stuff" :grin: I agree!
- He has used lots of hairspray
- He's had 2 groupies at once
- It appears that Estelle Getty pulls the pin of his love grenade
- Someone in the Aussie metal scene better look out for an attack from him
- This Ain't A Love Song is boring.... I must agree with that :)
- "Runaway" gives him bad nightmares

Thanks to Stu for being a sport and answering the questions well! :) Stay tuned for the next installment!

Until next time, I'm out like Rob Halford

Axl Lee Rockett

Note: I am not actually "out" in the way Rob Halford is (and should've been since people saw his photos on Unleashed In The East), that was used for comincal effect only.
Richie Sambora gets a SIX? A MOTHERF**KING SIX??????? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Otherwise very good Stu :D

No mention of me also gets extra marks as my reputation wasnt besmirched even further :lol: :lol: