UM Sludge 20 Questions is back with....

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001


Well it's been a while people! But UM Sludge is back and this time it's with yet ANOTHER member of Dungeon! Ahhh I'm just full of surprises aren't I! Well this time it isn't with one of the musicians anyway, it's with the dude who sits up the back and bangs things. By banging things I mean his drums, not what you were thinking! Get that mind out of the gutter! :rolleyes: So anyway, here we go, the man who shares the same name as Steve Ravic except puts an "o" on the end instead of an "e", Stevo of Dungeon!


1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to plug whatever it is you want to plug.

Right now... I want to plug up my arse! I have a bad case of food poisoning and it ain't nice. But seriously, I'm looking forward to a HUGE year with Dungeon. Plenty of surprises planned here. I'm also rehearsing with a band on the side - really fast melodic thrash - who will hopefully be gigging real soon. Also, I'm
having the time of my life filling in and helping out on drums with Dark Order... Raul & Zoran are great blokes and we're having fun thrashing out.

2. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give up and call it a day?

Mortal Sin.

3. For $5000, which of these would you do (and you have to choose one).
A. Give Rob Halford a blow job
B. Accept a blow job from a 14 year old schoolboy
C. Have sex with a member of Dungeon of your choice

C. I don't give blowjobs to guys & I'd be arrested if a 14yr old gave me one.

4. Have you ever considered giving up drums to becoming a musician and learn an instrument?

Everytime I have to set up and pack up the bloody thing.

5. You play bass. Rate the following drummers on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being about as good as me and 10 being a thunder god.
Scott Travis = 10
Robbie Stoj = 5
Nicko McBrain = 6
Luke from Anarion = 7
Tommy Lee = 7
Lars Ulrich = Pre-Black album = 7, Post-Black album = 4
Dave Lombardo = 9
Vinnie Paul = 8
Gene Hoglan = 10
The guy from Infernal Method = 10 (Grahame)
Richard Christie = Who?
Rikki Rockett = Dunno.

6. According to Lord Tim, you're quite the ladies man of the band. Is this true? If so, what's your secret and tell us your favourite groupie story.

I don't know if *that's* true! The secret is none of your business, and I don't know you well enough to tell you a story. Sorry! :)

7. Which bands that you've played gigs with have been the easiest and hardest to get along with?

Without naming names, bands that have the complete understanding of their roles and duties are the easiest to get along with. Bands that take on an attitude that the world revolves around them are the ones to stay clear of. So far, the international bands we've toured with have been the most pleasant, as well as the bigger more longer-standing local bands.

8. Who in the Australian metal scene most deserves a smack in the mouth and why?

All gossipping shit-stirring liars. As well as people who go out of their way to enact revenge on others simply because they feel they can. Why? Because these people aren't human or don't possess human qualities.

9. Now that you're label mates with Vanishing Point, who do you think will be the bigger band, and do you think that if they were marketed properly, Vanishing Point could find success outside of the metal scene?

How can you judge two bands of two completely different metal genres? Dungeon plays one style of metal, VP plays another. Yes, VP has that commercial/progressive feel to it and yes they could be successful outside metal. I don't think it's a matter of if they're marketed properly, I think it's a matter of how they wish to be marketed. I don't have a direct mindlink to the VP camp, so I can't tell you of their future plans or what they'll be doing tomorrow. My focus is on Dungeon… if Dungeon becomes bigger than VP, great! If VP becomes bigger than Dungeon, also great - that means that I'll get my name on the door for all their big shows, stay in their accommodation, eat all their food and drink all their rider!!! Hahahaha!!!!

10. Rate the following girls on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being about as attractive as Mick Mars and 10 being a hot piece of action.
Jenna Jameson = 10
Lita Ford = 6
Angela from Arch Enemy = 12
Steve Ravic's Wife = No comment for fear of retribution.
Jennifer Love Hewitt = 10
Tarja from Nightwish = 8
Avril Lavigne = 8
Lidia from Enter Twilight = 5
Estelle Getty = Who?
Pamela Anderson = 6
... you forgot: Bonita Saint = 20

11. What are the best and worst venues you've played at?

Best: 3. The Hordern Pavillion (w/- ADDICTIVE on the MOTORHEAD support, 1991), Metal For The Brain 2001 (w/- DUNGEON), and The Metro (w/- DUNGEON on the MAYHEM support, 2002)
Worst: Journo's Club in Surry Hills & Wagon Wheels Hotel in St. Mary's. DV8 in Melbourne wasn't too crash hot either.

12. Which do you prefer?
Iron Maiden or Judas Priest = Iron Maiden
Poison or Warrant = Warrant
Pegazus or Anarion = Anarion
Dungeon's Resurrection or Halford's Resurrection = Dungeon's
Whiskey or beer = BEER!!!
Melbourne or Brisbane = Melbourne
Sodom or Kreator = Kreator
The Destruction tour or the Edguy tour = Destruction
Ratt or Motley Crue = Motley.

13. Which Australian metal band, besides Dungeon, do you think deserves to be the next big success overseas?

Infernal Method or Astriaal.

14. Do you have a job outside of Dungeon? If so what is it, and if not, what and when was your last job?

I'm elected Secretary of Something For Now Records, also do graphic design, web design, and part-time/casual database management. I worked at National Australia Bank for over 7 years, Custom Fleet for over a year, ANZ Bank for 3 months, Commonwealth Bank for 3 weeks & a patent/trademark attorney firm for 4 months.

15. Has Stevo ever:
Passed out on stage = Almost.
Seen a member of Dungeon naked = Yes.
Kissed a man on the lips = No.
Been arrested = No. But close...
Snorted cocaine = No comment.
Lusted over Lord Tim = Urgh!
Had sex backstage = None of your business...
Masturbated to one of the Golden Girls = No.
Wanted a girl to pee on him = No. But she did anyway.
Bought a glam record = Yes.

16. Will Spawny ever come to a Dungeon show do you think?

I leave it up to Spawny. I'll put his name on the door if he decides to... but he HAS to turn up.

17. Who in the Australian metal scene do you most want to:
Get in a fight with = The blokes from Dungeo... err, nobody. Hahaha!!!
Have sex with = Can't name her here.
Never see again = Members of a certain Melbourne metal band.
Catch up with soon = Can't name her here.
Get revenge on = Nobody.
Get drunk with = Grahame from Infernal Method, or Sean from Astriaal, or Rob
from Earth.

18. Give us some dirt on the following bands you've shared the stage with:
Infernal Method = I've been assured that their feud is over.
Vanishing Point = A certain member's affliction with porn.
Edguy = Unable to comply.
Crimsonfire = Don't know them well enough.
Destruction = Unable to comply.
Sanity's Cage = Don't know them well enough.
Eyefear = That singer should get a new job! He's hopeless. Hahaha!!! J/k!!!

19. What've you got against the song Slave Of Love?

Well, nothing really. The song is how it was written. I don't love it or hate it. I just don't picture myself playing it in Dungeon. Who knows, the blokes might get me drunk enough one night to get me actually play it. Hahaha!!!

20. Time for UM Sludge's word association! You know how this
goes, we say a word and you explain the first thing you associate with it!

Pegazus = Les Paul
Steve Ravic = The Big Man.
King Arthur = Gwynnevere
Grunge = Dead
Evil Eff = Affection
Porn = Oh man!
The Espy = Showcase
Slave Of Love = Nah!
Dokken = Without Warning
Vanishing Point = Big sound
Nikki Sixx = Demon


Well there you go! Let's recap shall we?

- He wants to plug his rear end
- He won't give head to a man coz that's disgusting. He'd rather have sex with one.
- Questions 7 and 8 are heavily censored to protect the innocent but I think I know exactly who he means :D
- Melbourne is better than Brisbane (YEAAAAAAAH TONCI!)
- He probably isn't lying about never masturbating to the Golden Girls because he didn't know who Estelle Getty was.
- Spawny showed up in the questions again (I couldn't leave you out now could I!)
- He never wants to see certain members of a Melbourne metal band again. Hmmmm. I wonder who ;)
- Someone from Vanishing Point has a porn obsession. I know which one! Do you?
- Grunge is dead
- There is a "mystery girl" whom he can't name around these parts! OooOOooOOO! Could it possibly be someone with whom he associates "affection" with her name? Probably not but I thought I'd pick that possible link out anyway. Perhaps I should be a private investigator or something!

Thanks a lot to Stevo for being a sport and getting back to me quickly and answering the questions well!! :) Sorry 'bout the potentially career damaging questions!!

Well, I'm out like grunge

Axl Lee Rockett
good shit trent..
another cool 20 questions

estelle getty :headbang: :lol:

and steveo

Richard Christie = Who?
Richard played drums in death and i think is still playing in iced earth..
Hehe I love these! Great work!

If I read it correctly, you're as much of a fan of a certain Melbourne band as Xena is, Stevo. :)
I can't believe Troops asked a drummer about other drummers and didn't mention Neil Peart.

The drum rankings go:

Neil Peart

The rest.
Originally posted by Spiff
I can't believe Troops asked a drummer about other drummers and didn't mention Neil Peart.

The drum rankings go:

Neil Peart

The rest.

You spelt Dave Lombardo wrong!
Originally posted by Clarky
Richard Christie = Who?
Richard played drums in death and i think is still playing in iced earth..
Oh. :D :lol:

Yeah Trent. Tommy Lee's a hard hitter and a little more visual. Big ticks in my books. :)
Heheh true :) Love how he spins his sticks all the time, it's great :headbang:

Plus the drumming on Feelgood is pretty damn good I reckon. What a groovemeister lol. I've never heard hard rock/metal songs that are so suitable for stripping to as some of the stuff on that album. :lol:
Originally posted by The Trooper

Plus the drumming on Feelgood is pretty damn good I reckon. What a groovemeister lol. I've never heard hard rock/metal songs that are so suitable for stripping to as some of the stuff on that album. :lol:

But they meant for women to do it, not for you to start doing whenever you put the album on at home Troops :D