Your artwork.

hey Dracwell, those pics are cool, if i had time i'd love to do a course in photoshop, i have heaps of art in me that i could draw but it takes too much effort and never turns out how i'd really like. So for the moment all i do is make a new background for windows whenever i get tired of the current one, its not enough to develop any skills or anything.
i disagree
links work before and still work for me, you people are just crazy
This is the stupid, annoying linking thing that free webspace sites do - geocities does this.

If you CLICK on the links here, it will probably not work.
If you COPY and PASTE the link into a browser, it WILL work.

Those are very cool - one of the things I'm always kinda wishing I had to work with are models, so that "human element" can be added to the artwork. The best thing I have to work with is some guy with a fedora.