Your artwork.


I see a lot of interesting avatars, that look like they were designed by there users. There are a few damn shnazzy artisits here with very l33t fotoshop skills, such as hoserhellspawn and others.

A while ago, I held a competition for design\s for my bands album covers, and I was blown away by the quality of peoples submissions.

So what artwork have you done? Post some here, show us your leet skills...

And I may or may not nab them for our next album cover..

I will also be holding a post with different album names for our upcoming album, once I have a few more choices..
This is a very interesting thread!! :eek:)
I am not good at these visual stuff, I have a lot of
cool ideas in my head, but can't get them out.
I am really into making my own clothes, I have lots
of designs in my head, but I don't have a
sewingmachine yet, so I can't make them >:eek:P

Well, just because I want some more art on this
thread I'll post two of mine to get you all going,
cause I know you can do better than me,
and it will inspire me :eek:)

I like to mess up photoes, so this is a pic on my
friend that I made a while back :eek:)

And this is me :eek:)
Yeah. I love hosers artwork.

I love dark looking stuff.. Or typical metal album covers.

I love really noisy art, like real complex pictures, like on some emperor albums, or other bands..

I'd love it if Someone could make a really cool Hammering Moss Logo, like in Opeth style or something.
The nest Hammering moss cover will feature this picture..

I love it.
