your ass ever twitch?

I just looked in that Japanese nose thing thread and my right nostril feels an itch.

Trying to open this thread and it didn't work for a minute made my left leg twitch.
My buns o'steel have been known to dance at times. I used to get that a lot at the eyelids, and apparently every muscle is susceptible to twitch. So don't worry, you don't have ass cancer.
here's something wierd bodily that happens to me sometimes...
say i'm in class and i hear something kind of gross or think of something kind of gross... (sometimes it doesn't even take that much.) if i'm writing something while this happens, my writing hand gets really loose and weak and i have to really really struggle and focus to control it and it makes my writing look like shit.

anyone? same problem?
how are you reading it? there's a lot of different ways to do it and they all make you come away with a different first impression.

i read the foreword and, when kinbote recommended i skip the poem and just read the footnotes first, followed his advice, occasionally skipping back to check references but not really reading the poem at all until the footnotes were done.
I'm not flipping back and forth. I just read the foreword, the poem, and now the commentary. I think I'll start flipping around in the commentary when Kinbote mentions something and then says "see notes to line 568" etc. It's fun and funny so far! I like it.
it tells a different story somewhat if you follow every single reference when it's dropped (i didn't do that at first). like when kinbote says "see this line" you read that line of the poem, and then read the commentary to that line, and follow the instructions in THAT commentary to another few lines of the poem, and then to more commentary, etc.