Help!!!its Chipped

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Mar 11, 2008

this is rediculious,my sawtooth was lying on my bed and all of a sudden it falls off and my beds like 1-2 feet off marbel flooring so the lower wing and upper wing are chipped,the lowerwing is pretty bad the woods dented and alot of one point is gone,whilst the upper wing has a nich but you can see the wood and its pretty deep,

I nearly had a seizure when i heard it and even more so when i saw it:erk:

any help regarding this to fill the cracks and still keep it unnoticable

please help,:erk:

this is rediculious,my sawtooth was lying on my bed and all of a sudden it falls off and my beds like 1-2 feet off marbel flooring so the lower wing and upper wing are chipped,the lowerwing is pretty bad the woods dented and alot of one point is gone,whilst the upper wing has a nich but you can see the wood and its pretty deep,

I nearly had a seizure when i heard it and even more so when i saw it:erk:

any help regarding this to fill the cracks and still keep it unnoticable

please help,:erk:
Do you retards feel pain? That's something I've always wondered...
yea boohoo,so you dont have equi[ment i dont get it all off you come at me saying im a retard,strange bunch of internet people,most likely have no lives besides the computer and school etc...
1. We have a guitar player's thread
2. When you want people to read and answer your questions, don't type like a retard. Where are you from?
3. I feel sorry for your guitar.

and ohh yea please,if you cant read english dont say that i type like a retard,comon i have qualifications in english with distinctions from cambridge in england,what do you have,Deutsch english Practical ???
^^yea all i simply asked was that i needed help with this,everyone comes at me with a retard crap,life sucks but it sucks even more when you know low lifes are behind their laptops thinking that they are somebody* who feel they can run a dictatorship and call people what they want...sad
yea well if they insist so much that i type like a retard i might as well be a prick about it :)

comon its a forum do you really need people to like you,what new society behavior removes the converstation let alone the being in the presence sort of interation that why it breeds a society not fit for normal interaction more to unknown behavior
Stop being a subhuman.

Now THAT was typically german, but I think it fits here. And I know that my english is not perfect at all, but your english is disgusting.

Even more disgusting is, that you point with your finger at us instead of asking yourself what you might do wrong.
hey ive already said i was sorry last time for misspelling words and i sure did reread what i have wrote,please you all are the ones trying to call me the retard COMON BRING IT,RELEASE YOUR TENSION.....ill act more fucked to make you happier if that what makes you happy,...comon lifes short...
of course it is,ive know alot of people of your sort of personality.Control freaks who wont back down from attempting to destroy people and break them down until,yes they win.

so yea feeling god this is sad the way people are actually interacting on the internet

someone asks for help they get a your a retard patch across their forehead.Amazing,now we know why the worlds crumbling.Just due to blockheaded individuals,all you all need to do it just give in..go with the flow wars and stuff will totally get avoided
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