Your best/favorite heads/cabs?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Hello everyone

I wanted to ask this since I've been using impulses and the like -for a while now, but I'd really like to make the jump into getting me some of the real deal. Which one would you recommend?

First off, allow me to elaborate a bit on my situation -- I don't have a band -and don't intend too, for the foreseeable future-, at least until I come up with some decent composing of my own, therefore I'm only interested in getting recording tone.

A couple of years ago I was torn in between an ENGL pre and a head, and to be honest I didn't know squad about the whole IR alternative thing, but was willing to give it a chance, so I ended up getting an E580 pre instead of a head. Nowadays I kinda regret it because, for one, I get better sound (quite good, actually, to my over-critical ears) out of the free stuff some of you kind gentlemen provide (I must be a complete douche :guh:) than out of the 580, and, on the other hand, I've seen heads with a line out and a similar array of tubes (that would have served the same purpose, but with the possibility of micing).

In short, I'm searching for an amp with the best sound, but without additional stuff --like the sophisticated preset savings of say an ENGL SE -which I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) is what makes the price rocketeer sky-high (and which I happen to have on my pre, without much use btw). Without a band situation I can always get a notebook and write presets with a pencil (hell-of-a-lot cheaper is to understate the obvious). I'm not necessarily on a budget, but I certainly don't want to waste a buttload of money on something with doubts in my mind, specially since I already kind of did :heh: (hence me asking).

I for instance like Krank impulses and I've seen good things said about those cabs (and very bad ones about ENGL 'cheap' ones for example) so I dunno if getting a head and cab from different brands would be a good idea. I used to think Mesa was just a club for american snobs who gathered to smoke cigars and play tennis, until I heard Ola's reamping with a Savage/Dual Recto combo --and I actually liked the recto more! (btw Dual/Triple what's the difference for metal?)
That of course only speaks of how important the person behind the equipment is -believe me, I'm aware of it. So I'm not looking to ''plug in and get recording sound right off the bat'' - I'm willing to work on it! hard! :D

I play black metal symphonic-like stuff -probably should have started with that-, but since I don't have the band experience, I could REALLY use your help - any comments, much appreciated!
My taste in gtr? For example 'The Arrival' by Hypocrisy, or Reinkaos by Dissection, to name a few. Clean (I mean understandable), HUGE.. HUGE sound.. mix-eating!

Sorry couldn't find good HD on that

This one, a bit clipped, but that helps my point I guess:

Yeah I know this are finished prods (& with bass), but just to give you the idea.
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Marshall cab? really?

Thank you bryan I will check on to those options, and thanks Mago for pointing me to the rectifier comparison.

btw budget-wise.. I don't mind putting on a wig and jumping hoops as long as I ever become satisfied with my gtr sound
Everyone on here is going to say basically the same thing:
Mesa Rectifier cab

^This is about as close as you can get to a guaranteed good result. They both record superbly with a minimum of tweaking and fuss.

Other popular heads are:
Mesa Dual/Triple Rectifier
Engl Fireball
Bogner Uberschall
VHT Pitbull
Peavey Windsor
Engl Savage
Marshall JVM
Jet City JCA
Krank Rev Jr

And cab wise people also seem to like:
Engl Pro
Orange PPC
Bogner Uberkab
Line 6 Spider Valve
My taste in gtr? For example 'The Arrival' by Hypocrisy, or Reinkaos by Dissection, to name a few. Clean (I mean understandable), HUGE.. HUGE sound.. mix-eating!
Sorry couln't find good HD on that

This one, a bit clipped, but that helps my point I guess:

Yeah I know this are finished prods, but just to give you the idea.

Seems to me you're a bit into an Engl-ish sound, I dunno about the Hypocrasy album, but the other on seems to be this:

Anyway, most of the guys around here would say what guitarguru said allready...5150+Mesa recto cab is pretty much standard around here, but it's not exactly what you're after I think.

I currently have a 6505+ and a Randall 4x12 v30 cab (funny thing is I got it before I joined the forum :lol:), but when I'll upgrade it will be another kind of sound of what you're after, so I guess I can't be that much of a help sorry lol

But for me it seems Engl or Recto + some kind of V30 box will do the job for you^^

Another thing is if you want it to sound it kinda like that mic'd up or when normally playing through it I think....
Another thing is if you want it to sound it kinda like that mic'd up or when normally playing through it I think....

uh what? sorry did not understand that last bit
I thought 6505 was a choice here because of the lower price tag...

Oh friggin' lord thanks for the Dissection tip!!!
You're right I'm ALL about the european sound -and musical genre :devil:
Marshall cab? really?

Thank you bryan I will check on to those options, and thanks Mago for pointing me to the rectifier comparison.

btw budget-wise.. I don't mind putting on a wig and jumping hoops as long as I ever become satisfied with my gtr sound

I've never personally played thru the 1960 cabs (that I can recall), but a lot of guys tell me that the bass is tighter in the Marshall cabs compared to Mesa. I'd still like one of each. Should have a Mesa 4x12 soon to go along with the Mark IV! :devil: But part of me wants to sell the IV or just keep it and get a Dual Recto.....
I've never personally played thru the 1960 cabs but a lot of guys tell me that the bass is tighter in the Marshall cabs compared to Mesa

This is true to an extent but it doesnt have the same low mid presence of the Mesa. So its a trade off. I prefer the older Vintage Marshall cabs. I own a 70-71 transition all birch cab thats is just amazing with the V30s in it. Its got a similar sound to the current 1960 cabs but its got more defined mids.
What about Krank -- why does nobody mention them?

I absolutely love my 100 W Revolution 1 head, it is my main metal amp. is since I finally got a power attenuator, lol...
Otherwise, this thing has to be (too?) loud to unleash it's full power

Oh, and I play it with the matching cab (Rev cab, or something), too.
It sounds great to me, I've only got a TS clone and my analog delay on front of the amp, and that's it