Your current favorite foodz


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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There hasn't been a good food discussion here in ages.

Also, we all change our favorite foods/snacks/drinks etc all the time depending on our mood; So what's your current favorites?

Currently om-nom-noming:





(believe it or not, Whole Foods' brand of Greek Yogurt is the most authentic Greek stained yogurt out there: )

hmm, a black bean and corn salsa that is made here locally.. annnd I made some pretty kick ass stuffed cod fillets the other night. But meh, been in a rut lately food wise.
Ribeye with Sweet Potato Fries. have had it to nights in a row now. mmmmm.


Also, its not a meal but I had an entire bag today:

There hasn't been a good food discussion here in ages.

Also, we all change our favorite foods/snacks/drinks etc all the time depending on our mood; So what's your current favorites?

(believe it or not, Whole Foods' brand of Greek Yogurt is the most authentic Greek stained yogurt out there: )

Need to track some of that down for my breakfast smoothie. Trying to change up the ingredients every few days or so...
Malai Kofta. Delicious. Actually, authentic Indian cuisine in general is heaven for my taste buds.


And tiramisu has to be my absolute favorite dessert at the moment. It's just so damn yummy.

As for drinks, this summer:

My treat every Friday. Chicken parmigiana from my favorite local Italian place.

Followed by

It's Friday, oh yeeeah:danceboy:
Anything with crema pasticciera.

Or just the crema pasticciera.

My other favorite lately is my friend's new pizzeria/restaurant, Anima Mundi. He's half Italian and half Moroccan, and serves a bit from both cultures. His pizza with anduja (or 'nduia as they call it in the south) is probably the best pizza I've ever eaten. Anduja and salamino go so well together.
Need to track some of that down for my breakfast smoothie. Trying to change up the ingredients every few days or so...

for a smoothie I'd recommend actually:


Much creamier, and tastes delicious!

The 365 brand, is authentic Greek in terms of - it's not sweet at all, quite sour (but I love it!) it's mostly good on it's own not in a smoothie...
The great thing about tiramisu is that everyone makes it differently and it has different tastes while maintaining that unmistakable tiramisu flavor. Some make it with more coffee and some with more chocolate. The coffee can really "pick you up".

See what I did there? :)
I was a pig today and went for breakfast in the piazza after buying 4 bigne'....the big, round paste, not the pasticcini. I looked like a kid with crema pasticciera all over my face :lol:.
I don't have a picture of it, but a friend of mine was putting honey mustard on avocado this weekend and it was the best thing I have tried in ages! She also introduced me to sourgrass and that stuff is pretty awesome too.
I recently had a cro-nut for the first time. Its basically a fried croissant filled with cream. It was fucking incredible.

In my last moments of life, the minutes before I die, I want to be buried in a pile of cro-nuts. I'll spend my last breaths attempting to eat my way out, but I won't make it. I'll die happy.
The great thing about tiramisu is that everyone makes it differently and it has different tastes while maintaining that unmistakable tiramisu flavor. Some make it with more coffee and some with more chocolate. The coffee can really "pick you up".

See what I did there? :)

Mmmm...I like mine with more of the Amaretto flavor...*drool*. And the fresh squishy creamy texture...